Men Behaving Badly

Spring Fever is in the Air… and Our DNA!

I’ve noticed a theme over the last two weeks or so… a few themes, actually. Even before we became bombarded with tales of how Charlie Sheen is “winning,” I felt as though I was watching a loop of episodes of what I call “Men Behaving Badly.” Some of you are familiar with this show; it plays out in our living rooms and in restaurants. This is where excellent men seem to go through a version of PMS (pathologically male syndrome) and, frankly, throw tantrums. It may start out as a little crabby, it may blow into a full blown fight over what, later, no one can really remember. When they behave this way, it’s usually best to duck and cover and allow them to retreat to their man caves until they work it out. Any attempt to turn them around usually only makes it worse!

One factor in this behavior, I feel, is what is known as Spring Fever. Mark Twain said of the phenomenon: “You don’t quite know what it is you DO want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!” Humans are much more deeply linked to the Earth’s rhythms than we know. As the Earth goes through its annual rebirth, so too do our bodies quicken after the coldness of winter. The earth awakens from its slumber and is literally bursting with energy and vitality. We are all familiar with the symbols of this rebirth, flowers and green growth, eggs, baby chickens, ducklings, bunnies and on some level must remember their fertility associations. The ancients all celebrated one version or another of the Rites of Spring. The earth is not only awakened but fertile and virile! Really, even spiritual beings in human form feel the pull of the Earth’s fertile season!

Many women are feeling and experiencing the upside to this trend… they are literally oozing sexuality in response to the Earth’s awakening, and the men have noticed! I’m talking with so many women that are being pursued by multiple men, whether or not they are available. For some lucky ladies, it’s Raining Men! This can be a lot of fun if you are single and looking!

Some other women have another form of Goddess energy coming out of every pore right now, and not only are they attracting men, they are also actively manifesting their other desires. They are riding the Earth’s tides and flowing with each turn to bring about the best possible outcome in whatever they pursue. I call them my Golden Girls, as it seems they have a Midas touch, and everything they touch turns to gold. These women are also experiencing increased psychic awareness that they are using to their advantage in pursuing these goals. You all know one of these Golden Girls now and it’s contagious; just talking with them leaves you energized.

As we head towards full spring, the negative consequences of the intense energy the Earth is emitting right now should subside a bit. Or at least our men will be able to balance it better. I don’t feel that the bad behavior will last more than a couple of weeks. As we get closer to May Day, men and women alike should be able to relax and enjoy the ancient coding in our bodies that tells us it’s time to wake up, go outside and see all the beauty and wonder of our planet and each other!

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5 thoughts on “Men Behaving Badly

  1. Chris Wong Sick Hong

    It might be mother/feminine energy issues. Springtime has a definite feminine cast and the first and most lasting exposure men have to feminine energy is their mother. If it was controlling, abusive, or otherwise sought to deny them expression of their maleness, that colors every further interaction. It wouldn’t surprising that, when confronted with archetypal femininity, men with those experiences get threatened and feel the need to retreat to an area suffused with masculine energy in order to escape/weather the storm/hopefully figure things out.

  2. abigailx9570

    Nice article….It’s rutting season lol I was actully collecting phone numbers Saturday night 🙂 I did’nt ask they gave them to me hehehe the problem with that one is I won’t call! old school you ask for mine and call me some how the roles got all reversed where men think the woman are the hunters and so do alot of women we are not, however what we do is make the choice in the end. It’s all mixed up on the primal end. Have a great day

    Many Blessings


  3. misskrystal

    Morgana, I really enjoyed this one. Thanks. It was so great to meet you at CP!
    Hope to see you again, there, real soon. Huggies, Miss Krystal

  4. Jacqueline

    Hi Morgana,
    Interesting article, one thing I would love to add is when men are going through struggles as we all do, it is wise to know that 99% of there struggle doesn’t have anything to do with you, its usually something that they are dealing with-in themselves, some readjustments that they know they need to make to heighten there own life.
    The best thing anyone can do is to allow there partner the time and space they need to regroup, give them there time to figure things out, they usually will be so grateful for your understanding that it will make your relationship a stronger one.

    Blessings and Big Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472

  5. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hail and Well Met Morgana,

    Nice article,

    Yes I’ve definitely noticed an increase in calls from women with a few men in hot pursuit !!! It MUST be spring !!!

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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