Keep Passion Burning

How do you keep that spark alive?

Even if you’ve found your soulmate, it’s inevitable that your relationship will hit a rut. Maybe you’ve gotten too comfortable with each other, and you’re just not feeling the same sizzle you once did. The good news is, you can take charge to ensure that you and your significant other retain the passion that brought you together in the first place.

One romantic ritual could be witnessed on Sex and the City, whenever Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) and one of her love interests experiened relationship issues – they would adorably lean in for a “Hollywood Kiss” to celebrate their love, and forget their trivial problems. Here are some more tips from your favorite celebrity counterparts:

Christina Aguilera told Ellen DeGeneres:

“We have something called naked Sundays … You have to keep marriage alive, spice it up …We don’t need to go anywhere, we’re just with each other. We do everything naked. We even cook naked.”

Pierce Brosnan told a women’s magazine:
“I love romance: I bring Keely [his wife of six years] breakfast in bed on a tray with a single flower from our garden. I did that when we first started dating, and I still do it.”

Melanie Griffith, married to Antonio Banderas:

“Let him know you’re happy: I smile whenever I see him. He always knows how thrilled I am that he’s there with me.”

Now for your own ideas…

Remember where you first met? Where he proposed? Why not make a sexy pilgrimage back to that very spot? It could have happened on an ordinary bench in Central Park, or maybe you got engaged under Sleeping Beauty’s castle at Disneyland. Regardless, make a point of frequenting the places where your love initially blossomed. It will rejuvenate those feelings of falling in love – all over again!

Do you and your partner share a love of old movies? Maybe you like campy musicals such as The Rocky Horror Picture Show. There are many twists you can put on the classic movie night. In Los Angeles, for example, Hollywood Forever Cemetery (where Rudolf Valentino and Peter Lorre, among others, rest) holds weekly screenings of Hollywood classics, and encourages couples to picnic there during the summer months. Check out what your area has to offer!

If you and your significant other are not the type to go out much, make it a point to find creative ways of cuddling up around the house. Sundays are a perfect time to laze in bed together reading the New York Times, or watching DVDs. Or try a romantic bubble bath with a couple of glasses of champagne. Sharing interests is always good, too. If your partner likes football, why not play fantasy football on Sundays? Even if you don’t understand what’s going on, they’ll be thrilled!

All you need to do is use your imagination!

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