Get what You Want from Love!

Love: Quick Strategies for Happy Relationships

Ah, l’amour. We all want it. Yet, even when we have it, sometimes we’re not happy. And while a tiny part of that is simply the reality of being two imperfect human beings, a much bigger part is within our control. Here are three quick strategies to increase your satisfaction in love. But before you try them on your partner, get a love reading to find out how they’ll react!

Speak Up!

Oftentimes, we have the bad habit of expecting our partners to read our minds. More than just ridiculous, that’s a surefire recipe for resentment! If you want your mate to understand you and your needs, you can’t just sit around assuming you’ve given off the right signals. You need to express your need clearly and at a good time. No, not at the end of their stressful work day, or first thing in the morning when one of you has a big presentation. Instead, take the time when it’s just the two of you with no other plans and tell your lover what you’ve been feeling and how you think they could help you feel differently.

Change Your Expectations

Similarly, some people have the tendency to assume their partner will approach every task exactly as they would approach it. If you show your love through a kiss or a kind word, you expect the same in return, right? But not everyone communicates those sorts of things in the same way. While you most certainly can and should ask for what you need (see above), it’s also worthwhile to consider who your partner is and how they handle things. If you come to accept your differences, it can only make you stronger as a pair.

Are you afraid that your partner won’t give you what you need? Psychic Yvonne ext. 9883 knows what they’re willing to do for you. 

Learn to Listen 

Finally, though we all like to think we hear what our partner is saying to us, there’s usually a lot more to the subtext than the actual words. Likewise, actions speak loudest of all. Make it a point to pay attention to the information your mate conveys. Learn to read their signals and help clue them in about yours. By establishing a rapport wherein you each understand how to interpret each other, you’ll open yourselves up to a new level of intimacy, increasing your relationship satisfaction tenfold. And isn’t that what we all want to experience in love?

Increase your relationship intimacy! Psychic Jean ext. 5132 can show you how. 

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