Should You Get Engaged This Holiday Season?

get engaged during the holidays

Are You Ready for This Kind of Commitment?

The holiday season isn’t just a time for being thankful, giving gifts and hanging with family. It’s also engagement season,and it’s more popular than Valentine’s Day. Are you thinking about taking your relationship to the next level? Are you and your partner ready to get engaged?

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To know whether this step is the right one for you and your significant other, first ask yourself these key questions.

1. What’s Your Motivation?
Do you just feel like it’s time to get engaged or do you want to get engaged because all of your friends are either getting engaged, getting married or having babies? It’s important to understand why you’re having these feelings, so explore them carefully. Engagement is about commitment, not envy, competition or impatience.

2. What’s Your Relationship Status?
You’re “in a relationship” of course, but if things are rocky, commitment won’t change whatever the underlying issue is. And if you’re feeling at all unstable, now’s the time to talk it out or go to counseling instead. If everything’s peachy for the most part, then this might be a great time to up the ante and take your commitment to the next level.

3. Are You Truly Ready?
Dig deep and ask yourself if engagement is truly the right thing for both of you right now. Have you known each other long enough? Do you live together? Do you want to spend the rest of your life with this person? (Really?) While you can always break off an engagement or get a divorce, you probably don’t want to do either of those things if you can help it, right? It’s best to take a close look at yourself and your partner,  as individuals and as a couple.

4. How Should the Asking Happen?
If you’re going to be the asker, think about how you want to propose marriage. Are the holidays a special season for you and your partner? If so, now might be an ideal time. But if you have an anniversary or special trip coming up, it may be worth waiting a couple months. You (hopefully) only get to do this once, so ask in the best and most meaningful way possible.

5. How Do You Want to Share the News?
Since the holidays are usually spent with family and friends, this time of year can be ideal for getting engaged—you can spread the news with many of your loved ones in person. However, you may want to get engaged at another time of year if you two are more private and prefer to sit on the news for a bit. It may be tough to hide your ring or stay mum when you’re hanging out with so many people who know you both so well.

3 thoughts on “Should You Get Engaged This Holiday Season?

  1. Eileen Jones

    No way am I getting engaged. Married divorced. Once was enough. Whoever is waiting for me should spend time finding someone interested in this. Not me.

  2. Eunice williams

    Hi my name is Eunice I was wanting to know will I be engaged this year with this man name Quantez I been dating for 16 yrs


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