5 Signs You Found True Love

Is What Your Feeling True Love?

Love is “a many splendid thing,” which means it takes on many forms. It also means that we can love many people in the course of our lifetimes. But what actually distinguishes all of those loved ones from true loves? Read on for some insight into what falling in true love is all about.

Bliss in Doing Nothing

It’s easy to have a good time with someone if you are doing something together you both enjoy. There are plenty of outside distractions that take the focus and pressure off of your relationship and where it’s going. But true love is about enjoying just being together. It’s about simply enjoying each other’s company, no matter where you are and no matter what you’re doing. You just like being together.

No Roving Eyes

When you’ve stopped considering others (to check out, flirt with and date) you’ve definitely been bitten by the true love bug. If you are able to give up all other interested cuties and exes, it means that you’ve discovered that none of them can give you what you have found in your true love. You don’t consciously take yourself off the market; you just do it because you know there is no one out there for you who is a better match than who you’re with.

Do you have eyes for someone other than your partner? Find out why you fear commitment during a reading with Psychic Kim ext. 5512.

Putting Their Happiness Before Your Own

Being selfish is easy. What’s difficult is putting another’s well-being before your own. Where true love is concerned, each person cares so deeply about their partner, that their partner’s needs and happiness often supersedes their own. True love is about getting joy from making your partner happy.

Are you more giving than your partner? Find out why they’re being selfish during a relationship reading with Psychic Braxton ext. 5699.

Bringing Out the Best in You

Your true love will both complement you and challenge you to be the best version of yourself. You’ll feel inspired to be better because you love them. Their presence positively affects your life and your motivations.

Showing Them Your True Self

You can be yourself around your true love. You are comfortable revealing all aspects of yourself, no matter how unappealing some of it may be. If someone is your true love, you have no problem being completely vulnerable around them. You trust them to love you as your are. This is a feat many lesser relationships never accomplish.

Find out what your partner’s been hiding from you! Psychic Caprica ext. 5727 knows their secrets. 

3 thoughts on “5 Signs You Found True Love

  1. Bella

    Uhhh & no most of the wording – does – comes from watching Hee – Haw show you silly goose you (NYC) but yes I did watch it with my papa !!!! Then I added N my own warped 2 cents N it, FYI I’m not the singer of OUR bunch lol , but yes I’m being dead serious about = OR what my take on – N it is … lol lol .. 😉 Yes 1st thing on Monday morning yes I’m checking N bright & early @ the hospital see ya ll then !!!! See y’all N about 2 weeks or so … 🙂

  2. Bella

    “” where or where R U or IS my soulmate tonite , & Y did U leave me here all alone , I searched the world over and I thought I found my TRUE love, but then U screwed ME over – – U FD another 1, AND then U were gone ” lol lol …. NO not gone just MIA lol lol YOU silly rabbit – GOOSE you so NO thank U, NO I think not IT !!!!!!!!! There’s my silver lining ha- ha lol lol I love ya , NYC … 4 all else plz be blessed & I hope you , y’all DO have a good 1 … Happy holidays 2 all , may U ALL have peace on earth = GOOD WILL towards all human beings … 😉

  3. Tom

    Love Is a Many Splendored Thing misquotes and mis-spelled words detract from your article. A roving eye only serves to prove you have “red Blood in your veins” and that you have the “best” by your side. All the rest is right on keep-em comming.


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