I Always Pay!

How Do You Handle the Bills in Your Relationship?

Have you been in a serious relationship for a long time and still find that you are covering all the expenses? Do you go out to dinner once a week with your much-adored partner and find that you are always paying and have been since you started dating?

Some couples are old fashioned where one person takes care of the bills including the check at the restaurant. While this is okay for some couples, other couples might find it somewhat of an issue or problem. We live in modern times and many couples share the costs within the home and when dining out. If you find that you are always paying and want your partner to pitch in more, then consider these approaches for an equal partnership when it comes to financial issues.

Communicate Your Needs Without a Guilt Trip

If you want to have an equal partnership with regards to finances, then it is a good idea to make some time to talk about it. You can’t blame your partner for all the times you paid because you did not ask for help when paying the check. Don’t pull a guilt trip or concentrate on the past. Ask your partner if they could pay the check every now and then.

Make a Deal on Paying Bills

Many couples that live together take on specific bills. One partner can pay for the hydro and electricity while the other partner can pay the TV bill or gym membership. Write down who pays what and make sure they round out the pretty much the same cost.

Balance it Out as You Go

Some couples decide that one person pays for the meal this week and the other the next week. While this may be somewhat difficult to remember who paid for what last time, it can work. Make sure it is fair. You can’t expect your partner to pay $150 one week while you pay $20 the next week.

Money is an energy and nothing more.” – Psychic Ariel ext. 9775

Keep a Separate Account for Entertainment

If you have been together for a long time it might be a good idea to have a bank account that you both contribute to or a money jar. Both parties can contribute $50 to it when they get their paycheck. You can then forget bickering about who pays what and when and pay your bills from that account or take some out for your dining experience that week.

Get a detailed money reading from Psychic Tessa ext. 5897 and find out what your financial future looks like.

Usually when couples have been together for quite some time and are way past the courting period, there is a financial balance. Be direct in the way you manage the financial part of your relationship and communicate how you want to manage finances together. After all, you are a team and both of you need to make an effort with regards to your relationship. Don’t allow your need for sharing the bills turn into resentment and ask your partner to chip in. Most likely they will understand and offer to pay their share with regards to dining and household bills. Communication is the number-one factor where long-lasting relationships are concerned.

Looking for financial balance? Check in with an in-depth reading from Psychic Nadine ext. 5678 and regain your financial footing in life.

3 thoughts on “I Always Pay!

  1. Sarah

    I earn 3 times the salary and i pay half the amount of what i earn in bills. My husband makes half of my earnigs as income but i only ask he give me $300 a month. He has his own bills ie: Child Support etc… When we eat out he pays the tip & we use his truck so he pays for the gas. When we go to the movies, I pay the cost of the movie and he pays for popcorn & soda combo. It seems to work out for us. It’s not totally EQUAL but, we it creates a loving relationship, understanding and we enjoy each other’s company. We’ve been married 10yrs now. When he needs help, I help him with the $$ he has given me. I don’t tell him but it’s like me having a SAVING’s ACCT for him but, he usually pays me back anyway. 🙂

  2. robin

    In response to the article “I Always Pay.” Expenses should only be divided equally if income earned is equal. If it was equal and one partner earned less then it might benefit the lower income earner to live by themselves. Living together should benefit both financially.


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