4 Ways to Wow Your True Love

Wow Your True Love Again!

True love relationships usually begin with a bang, and slowly fizzle to a dull pop. For those who have experienced this, it can be a combination of good and bad. On the one hand, compassionate love brings comfort, safety and security. On the other hand, some people may construe a compassionate relationship as boring or passionless. This is why “keeping it spicy” articles are so popular. Many couples miss that intense, passionate spark that describes the beginning of most every new love.

Couples like to feel the rush of oxytocin in their bodies. This is partly why buying a new car, taking a trip to an exotic island or watching porn for the first time feels so good. Now, there is nothing wrong with a relationship that has fallen into a comfortable and compassionate place. However, that doesn’t mean couples can’t bring a little novelty to their familiar love. Here are four ways to wow your true love and rekindle the excitement you both felt when your love was new:

1. Listen and Observe

One of the most interesting truths of being a giving person is that some of your generosity comes from your own prejudices and preferences. Don’t get me wrong, any thoughtful action is good. However, you may be missing out on the opportunity to give your partner something they really want simply because you are not listening to them. Think back to when your partner may have hinted about a fantasy, or commented on the way you wore your hair one day. These are the little requests that are often overlooked because you partner didn’t ask you for them outright.

Get their mojo going again! Psychic Tessa ext. 5897 knows what you need to do!

Start taking notice of their body language. Make a note of the things they say they want or the things that make them happy. Sometimes your partner may not know how to ask for the things they really want, but if you stop and listen, you’ll soon discover what will really wow them.

2. Get Their Blood Pumping

One of the easiest ways to match the excitement of new love is to do something exciting. Rent a horror movie or take them to an amusement part. Why not challenge them to a physical activity? Any activity that stirs the blood and gets the hormones going will create an excited feeling within your partner. And for a while afterwards, they will associate that excited feeling with you.

Find out if it’s just a fling or meant-to-be. Psychic Josie ext. 5520 has the answer!

3. Pay Attention to How They Change

Take notice of the changes going on in your partner’s life. People change throughout a relationship. The problem is that when a lot of us fall in love, we fall in love with the person, as they were, at a particular moment. Issues arise when that person changes. How many times do people use “You’ve changed” as a reason to break up with someone? Perhaps this is because one partner never considered that their relationship would never be the same from the moment they fell in love.

4. Take Them Back to Where it all Started

Every couple remembers their first meeting. Their story may contain humor, danger or frustration, but one thing is for certain—the story is remembered with fond appreciation. After all, they wouldn’t be your true love if there wasn’t at least one defining moment in the early days of your time together that solidified you as a couple.

“Never forget why you fell in love in the first place.” – Psychic Jesse ext. 9027

Choose one of your fondest, early moments and recreate it. Talk about, look at old photos or go to the spot your first met and make some new memories. It is true that passion can dwindle over time. However, going back to the place where it all started can rekindle some of the “wow” you once had together.

2 thoughts on “4 Ways to Wow Your True Love

  1. Psychic Rogers


    Your articles are always so impressive on love and relationship.

    Couples who have “Wow”,factor in their relationship use more of ” Soft Skills”, like an emotional nourishment. Rather focussing on the mechanics of love.

  2. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext9500

    Good tips, Eric,

    I especially liked # 4….a serene, casual, stroll down sentimental lane can be a very emotionally moving experience for both partners.


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