Why Do Bad Things Happen?

Why, oh, why in the world, do bad things happen to good people? It’s a question most of us have asked ourselves at some point in life. Granted, there’s no simple answer to this complex question. But, our California Psychics team, who deal with this issue day after day, have some interesting takes on the subject… ideas to think about, ruminate or meditate on, especially when you are the good person having very bad times.

That’s life

Life is to learn… accept the good times and the bad. It’s not karma, or a lesson, it just is what it is.

It is universal. Even the best people in the world suffer. Think about some of the great leaders you admire. How many of them struggled severely before they hit success. How many times have you heard a story about someone living in their car or immigrating to this country with only the clothes on their back before they acquired huge success.

“In order to ask yourself this question, you would have to harbor some belief that people do get what they deserve,” explains Reed ext. 5105. “While this would be lovely if it were true, we all know that in the real world, life doesn’t always fall into place so neatly.”

Planetary upsets

One thing we often don’t even take into account is what’s going on with us astrologically. “I have found with my callers that their area of difficulty is most often being caused by a transiting planet… either Uranus, Saturn or Pluto. These energies are not easy to deal with, but knowing about them is the best path to overcoming them,” suggests Joyce ext. 9598.

Blessings in disguise

The bad helps us become stronger, better people. Although some get more difficult lessons than others, life is a cycle of ups and downs, our psychics say.

“All steps in life, no matter how awful and terrible, are part of the spiritual learning process,” Lucrecia ext. 9326 explains. “When we believe that we are good and at the same time experience the ultimate worst, it often has to do with a past life or karma. In the face of your worst nightmares, faith in goodness and love is the only possible direction that can bring peace to your world. When you understand your karma, (through readings and astrology) it will help you find a path to happiness.”

The universe is not a punishing force, our psychics agree. “The difficulties in life are not about being bad or good,” tells Brenna ext. 9592. “Instead, your attitude during these difficult times is key to how quickly and how well you come out the other side. It is perhaps the most difficult times that create opportunities for growth and new possibilities.”

Even so, sometimes it just feels like life is raining bad times. Brenna says she had a client whose husband had left her for another woman after 23 years. Her employer had cut back her hours which made it hard for her to make ends meet, plus her mother’s health was failing. She couldn’t understand why everything bad was happening at once. She truly believed she had been a good wife and hard worker and felt she was being punished for no reason.

“I asked her to understand that the universe is not getting back at her for something she might have done in the past… but to look for opportunities instead.” Over time, as Brenna and her client worked together, she explored new job options and came to the understanding that she and her husband were never a great match and she looked forward to meeting new people. “Learning how not to be a victim, helped this caller’s life blossom,” says Brenna.

It’s an attitude thing

Difficult things happen to all people, no one really get’s a free pass. But living life fully is about how you deal with difficulties, not the difficulties themselves. There is so much freedom in knowing that our path will not always be smooth. That way our expectations are not attached to smoothness… instead, we can be open to all of the possibilities!

Is the universe sending you negative vibes? Talk to a psychic to help release them. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

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