Attracting Better Luck is Easier Than You Think

Attract Better Luck | California Psychics

Make It Happen

Have you ever wondered how you can attract better luck in your life? Just accepting that you can draw positive energy into your life is one of the most important first steps you can take. If this sounds like an easy way to attract luck, it is.

Did you know your subconscious mind hears everything you say, good or bad, and sets about creating it? This is why setting your intentions and using affirmations to manifest the positive often works so well. For example, do you feel how your energy lifts up just by repeating a happy mantra to yourself, such as “I’m lucky!”?

Ways to help you attract better luck
Start by training your mind to expect good things to come your way. When you expect the best, it helps program your mind to draw in the goodness of life, and it’s much better than expecting the worst. When positive things, events, and people appear (and they will), express your gratitude to the Universe. Gratitude has a way of magnetizing even more positive things into your life.

It’s possible you believe in good luck charms, like finding a four-leaf clover or wearing a pair of lucky socks. This often helps you keep your energy focused on what it is you want to attract into your life. Let go of negative superstitions about luck. Flip them around. Be good to every black cat you see and witness how good you feel. Decide that 13 is your lucky number. You’ll find yourself looking forward to Friday the 13th when it arrives.

Summon your inner confidence
You’ve most likely heard the phrase, “Act as if.” Acting as if you can do something can help you summon the confidence you need to go after what you want. It can make you feel optimistic and hopeful, which are keys to help you attract luck.

Is there is something in particular you want to manifest? A new home? More money? Greater self-confidence? Envision it in your mind’s eye. Set up a vision board to help you see it, because writing it down makes it more real. Doing these things help you transmit your desires into your subconscious mind so it can assist you in bringing what you want and need into your life.

Positive thoughts attract positive things
Since the subconscious mind hears everything you say, be sure to watch how you think and talk about yourself. Sometimes people will say things about themselves that are cruel that wouldn’t accept anyone else saying to them. Don’t do this to yourself, try replacing them with the positive things you know to be true about you. Your energy will rise up immediately, which makes attracting better luck so much easier. Surround yourself with positive people who see the good in you and are delighted to tell you so.

Here’s how using mantras can be very helpful. Just say, “Right_______, come to me,” filling in the blank with whatever you desire. Notice how you are not begging or wishing; you are commanding your good to come to you. You are taking hands with the Divine and opening an energy path for luck and blessings to find you.

See how good luck can find its way to you
At the center of it all there must be trust in divine order and timing. Choose to keep the faith and stay the course in spite of any doubts that try to steal away your joy. Call on your angels to help you when you need them. Know that sometimes luck comes in different ways or forms than you imagined. Sometimes a thing you wished for doesn’t show up, but something better does. The Universe has a way of making everything work together for your ultimate good. And drawing all the positive energy you put out into the world eventually will find its way back to you.

Following these steps will prepare you for when good luck comes your way.

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3 thoughts on “Attracting Better Luck is Easier Than You Think

  1. PsychicKayley

    Thank you Kallista! Such a really good reminder to appreciate the little things. Twice, recently I noticed myself befuddled in traffic. The first time I was a little late to an appointment and couldn’t hit a single green light to save my life. The morr red lights I hit, the more I silently complained and expected it to happen ~ so of course that’s what happened because I manifested it ~ and quickly. The second time I was befuddled, was about how lucky I was a week later, to get a couple of green lights right off the bat. I was so delighted and so immediately grateful, that sure enough ~ almost every light the rest of the way turned green for me. Your blog is SUCH a good reminder, not only how good thoughts create good luck, but just how quickly manifestation can happen.

    And I would add ~ that repetition (as with mantras) is such a big part of manifesting good luck. So, Thank You Kallista ~ again & again!

    1. Psychic Kallista, ext. 9623

      You’re so welcome, Psychic Kayley! Thank you for your kind words and great examples! Thanks again for writing in. I really appreciate it.

  2. Conniekelly

    Hey I really love to get the happy ending I’d love to attract love into my life I’d love to get a wind fall this weekend I believe I’d deserve this I am a class kind hearted person I deserve this and so much more


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