Your Numerology Forecast: Take a Look at the Goals You Set

Since both the numerology and the astrology for this week are pretty easygoing, it’s a perfect time to take a look at the goals you set at the first of the year and see if anything needs a last-minute adjustment or polishing.

Remember that this has been an 11/2 Universal Year, the Year of the Visionary, so use the energy remaining in December to make sure you’ve dreamed big dreams, and beautiful dreams, and even impossible dreams, and that you have them accessible and ready for creative expression and manifestation in the upcoming 3 Year. If you want to take it a step further and do a retrospective on your Personal Year, just add your birth month and day to 2009. For example, if you were born on July 7, 1967, add 7+7+2009 = Personal Year 7. What tasks and opportunities has your Personal Year brought?

Monday – Everyone seems to exude holiday spirit today, and the buoyant mood of this 3 Day in a 5 Month can make every task, especially creative ones, a pleasure.

Tuesday – Karma Number 13/4 rules the day, the fourth 13/4 Day in a month. Put some more work into what you started reconfiguring on 10/28, and 11/9 & 18, tinker some more on 12/17, and have it ready to roll by December 26, the last of the series.

Wednesday – Take advantage of the 5 Day in a 5 Month to market the heck out of your favorite project, whether at home, at work or to the world at large. You’ll make lots of progress.

Thursday – Thinking about moving? It may sound crazy for this time of year, but this month 6 Days are a great time to browse, either in the classifieds or around your favorite neighborhood while in the US you enjoy the Christmas lights (save energy with the new LED lights!).

Friday – During this busy, boisterous 5 Month, 7 Days are your opportunity to grab quiet time with books or friends, letting your mind stretch and expand before a busy weekend.

Saturday – You’ve got your lists for gifts, party and holiday dinner supplies, and end of the year projects you just have to get done. Get ’em all out and use this 8 Day to move several mountains.

Sunday – Peace on Earth and goodwill to all is the motto for any 9 Day. Today’s a day to spread the love!

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