Your November 2012 Forecast

What’s New in November?

This month brings good news! Some relief from the stress of the past few months is in sight, as Uranus and Pluto move further apart. Take a moment to acknowledge the progress you’ve made in your personal, professional or spiritual life, even if you haven’t quite hit the target. Keep aiming for your dream and believe in yourself. Your dreams are closer than you think! Get next steps or a new perspective from Psychic Phoebe ext. 5231!

Transit Tales

Expect some relationship wobbles during the first few days of November as Venus in Libra collides with Uranus and Pluto, which may bring up an issue about commitment, fairness, freedom or power. Ask yourself what changes need to be made in your love life or circle of friends. Venus enters sultry Scorpio on the 21st (through December 15), which can intensify both passion and possessiveness.

Mars moves out of adventurous Sagittarius and into ambitions Capricorn on the 16th. It’s time to get your goals together and take some steps to make them happen.

Planets in Motion

Neptune turning direct on the 10th/11th can help you realize a dream which you had been thinking strongly about during the summer.

Mercury will be retrograde from the 6th through the 26th, which favors a review of past projects and ideas but can derail communications and travel arrangements.

Uranus continues to be retrograde through December 12, which encourages a review of how you express your individuality, originality or personal freedom.

Lunar Magic

Two eclipses this month can prompt some surprises. The New Moon eclipse in Scorpio on the 13th encourages you to eliminate some rubbish in your life, such as a negative attitude, habit or junk in your garage. It also supports activities that assist your personal growth.

The Full Moon eclipse in Gemini on the 28th shines a spotlight on communications, travel and multitasking, but may cause a sudden change of plans.

Planetary Highlights

November 1: Venus opposing Uranus can cause a conflict between commitment and freedom, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

November 3: Venus square Pluto can prompt an extreme reaction in a relationship or social gathering, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

November 6 – 26: Retrograde Mercury in Scorpio/Sagittarius favors a review of past plans and projects, but can mess with current communications or travel arrangements.

November 8: Venus trine Jupiter inspires optimism and generosity in relationships and social gatherings, especially for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius and to a lesser extent for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

November 10/11: Neptune turning direct supports taking steps to turn your dream into reality.

November 13: The New Moon eclipse in Scorpio favors activities that support your personal growth, finances or the elimination of stuff weighing down your inner life or outer world.

November 13: Mercury square Neptune can cause mental confusion, a miscommunication or poor fact-checking, especially for Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

November 13 – December 9: Mercury in Scorpio favors discussions and ideas involving research, sex, psychology or finances.

November 16 – December 24: Mars in Capricorn heightens the drive to succeed in the material world.

November 17: Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio energizes creative thinking in the areas of finances, psychology and research.

November 21 – December 20: The Sun in Sagittarius illuminates activities involving religion, philosophy, philanthropy, education or long-distance travel.

November 21: Sun square Neptune can cause a temporary loss of direction or enthusiasm, especially for Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

November 21 – December 15: Venus in Scorpio intensifies the sexual element in relationships, but can also evoke an issue concerning jealousy or power.

November 22: Venus trine Neptune can bring out your inner romantic or artist, especially for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and to a lesser extent for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

November 23: Mars square Uranus can prompt a sudden or reckless action, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

November 26: Sun trine Uranus supports originality and innovation, especially for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius and to a lesser extent for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

November 26: Mercury turning direct helps communications and travel plans move forward.

November 26: Venus conjunct Saturn in Libra focuses on commitment, equality, cooperation and artistic expression.

November 27: Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn intensifies the urge for material accomplishment.

November 28: The Full Moon eclipse in Gemini can energize or derail an idea, discussion or trip, especially for Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

What else does November have in store for you? Call Astrologer Psychic Alison ext. 9885 for a personal, more-detailed reading!

16 thoughts on “Your November 2012 Forecast

  1. Guest

    It was probably a typo, but for Nov 26 the Venus-Saturn conjunction is in Scorpio (not Libra).

    Great outline…thank you, it is very useful!

  2. Curtis DeHaven

    I have been told so many times my money worries will soon end and I’ll have money to do what I want without any concern on cost. Well, my worries have gotten worse not lessened, a tree fell on my trailer 2000 in damages, my truck has been down for months and needs the motor repaired, or replaced. I would really like to come into that wind-fall before I end up homeless, on foot eating when I’m lucky enough to have something. Is this wind-fall that is going to end my money problems, going to happen in my life time? I’m disabled and can’t go down hill much more, or I’ll be in serious trouble. Curtis

  3. moses

    am currently participating in a very big game,i really want to know if i will emerge as a winner when the game come to an end,some one should help me via my email,


    Will I ever go to London to meet up with my friend, Lynda Hayes?
    Money, all together, is not the problem. Will I ever be famous or
    should I simply stop trying? I’m 60 yrs. old and have scores of Neo-
    Classical music which I’ve written for children & College


    Will I ever see & make music again with my Songbird,Lynda,
    who now lives in London? I have no money for this. Seems ;like I’m waiting ….. Will I ever go to London

  6. francess morgan

    Am thinking of travellin to london hopefully by febuary march I want to know if it will be possible, and what to do to make my relationship balance

  7. Gina Rose ext9500

    Hi Cortney,

    I REALLY liked the way you outlined this astrological information. I find your astrology articles to be precise, but also like the format as well.

    Thank You,
    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  8. patricia alden mount

    November 1, 2012
    this is great; just what I was hoping for–eclipses and quarter and full moon phases.
    very detailed and useful way of lining these configurations up
    thank you very much

  9. Bonita

    my family is having a hard time this year about money and jobs what do yo thank will happen to my money pro. we having a hard time paying our bills need help.


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