Your Mercury Forecast for July 2012

Ghosts in the Machine!

It’s that time of year again… when the commander of communication spins backward in the sky, wreaking havoc on everyone in sight. But how will this month’s Mercury Retrograde in Leo affect you? Read on to find out! 


With Uranus turning Retrograde in your sign the day before Mercury reverses course in your fellow fire sign of Leo, change is in the air, Ram. Whether the events it stems from come in expected ways or not is the question… Exercise caution in your communications so as not to be misunderstood. Want more details on how Mercury Retrograde will affect you? Talk with psychic and astrologer TeriLynn ext.9625.


Thanks to Uranus and Mercury working in concert to aggravate things, you may find your intuition isn’t serving you as well as it normally does until late in the month. That’s probably for the best. You don’t want to commit to anything financial or familial until Mercury turns direct in August.


As you know, you’re more affected by Mercury’s backward transit than anyone—after all, the great communicator is your ruler. On that note, exercise caution across the board in all interactions. Clarity is key, and it may be difficult for you to maintain it.


More than anyone else, Mercury controls the way you interact with your past. With this month’s reverse motion in Leo, that aspect will be heavily emphasized. Don’t dwell, but if you must, make sure to keep things in the thinking realm. Now is not the time to act.


Take everything you hear with a grain of salt during this month’s retrograde, Leo. As it’s in your sign, you’ll be particularly susceptible to Mercury Retrograde’s foibles. Avoid arguments with loved ones as they’re apt to turn uglier than normal, leaving scars neither party is prepared for. Already afraid the last fight left some deep wounds? Psychic Braxton ext. 5699 can dig into your astrology and uncover your path ahead.


Old patterns may rear their heads during this Mercury Retrograde, Virgin. As your ruler, Mercury represents the way you see yourself and how you’re perceived by others—don’t let yourself slide backward. If that means staying put for the moment rather than forging ahead, so be it!


You may find yourself compelled to revisit old relationships, or at least some aspect of a bygone era, romantically speaking. It’s fine to ponder over what may’ve gone wrong or how you could’ve behaved differently, but don’t go jumping back into something. Your head (and heart) will clear when the Retrograde passes.


Keep your wallet closed during this month’s retrograde Mercury, stinger. While you may feel the urge to spend, spend, spend (perhaps reverting back to old patterns of excess or wanting to puff up your ego by keeping up with the Joneses), now is the time to rethink, rebudget and rebound from any financial woes. Don’t make them worse!


If family is at the fore, now is the time to percolate, not mediate or designate. You don’t want to get caught up in a sticky situation that recalls your childhood or plunges you into waters you’re not ready (or willing) to actually swim in.


While you’re usually on your game in all matters work and money, you may find you’re feeling a little fuzzy headed during this transit. Your ego may also be getting the better of you. Don’t fall back on a superiority complex. Take a deep breath and act rationally after the retrograde.


Forward motion in business is put on hold, in fact, it may even careen into a temporary tailspin. You just never know with Uranus in play. Don’t fret. Things will work themselves out come next month. And in the meantime, who’s better than dealing with upheaval than you?


When flustered, you have a tendency to give off mixed signals, and boy will you be flustered this month, dear fishes. Be aware of that, and work on clarity of communication. Remember, it’s better not to say anything than to speak and confuse everyone—including yourself!

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What else will Mercury Retrograde bring you? Talk to a psychic and find out. Call 1.800.573.4830 or choose your psychic now.

10 thoughts on “Your Mercury Forecast for July 2012

  1. VJ

    Dear Madme

    I was just wondering, why I have not received an answer to my question?

    My question is I had recently applied for a job that would be perfect for me, yet I do not

    know if I will be working at this job by the end of July? Any help you can give would be

    GREATLY appreciated!! Yet a rather simple question, but I have not received an answer!!

    Help how do I get an answer to my question!!??

  2. Prasad

    Folks remember one thing, (This is most important). Mercury is getting combust from July 20th. Whenever mercury gets combust during retrograde motion, it tends to show normal normal results and none of us will have to bear the terrible results of retrograde mercury from July 20th.

    This rule is based on Vedic astrology ( the most accurate astrological science in the world)

  3. Bobini

    ..all of these should end with, “Don’t forget to let your sense of humor and child curiosity tag along during this transit” :0)

  4. sp

    I am going through it too. My car is about shot and my old one is forced to be fixed. This is costing me a ton. This need to be over soon.

  5. stlH2O

    Yep, its affecting mechanics this time around! Both my and my husband’s trucks ended up in the shop at the same time! Yeesh!

  6. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Nice forecast S.K. !

    Mercury Retrogrades always seem to affect the sensors on my truck….the last retrograde , mechanics ater 3 attempts finally found a malfunctioning brake sensor.
    ( Usually when those go out, they just quit, but don’t malfunction on & off ).

    This time around, I can tell that Mercury is getting set to go retro, because yesterday I paid $ 159.46 because the ” service engine soon ” light came on and would not go off…..mechanics found the problem, it was a mud-dauber’s nest, up under the truck, blocking an emission vent, setting off a sensor, that set off the “service engine soon” light .

    Should be an interesting Mercury Retrograde period.


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