Your LOVECAST®: Wildly Unpredictable Romance

Your Love Horoscope

Romance can be wildly unpredictable this week. That’s especially true around the time of Friday’s New Moon in Libra, which clashes with Uranus and Pluto—the two behemoths responsible for change and rebirth. On the upside, the roller-coaster ride may lead to a shift in situation or perspective that transforms your romantic life. During the weekend, romance is rosy on Saturday and serious (somber) on Sunday. Best days for socializing: Wednesday and Saturday.

Aries Love Horoscope

Romance and passion collide at the beginning of the week. Thereafter, the New Moon may evoke a me-versus-we scenario, prompting the need to balance your needs with those of your partner. You may also be challenged to find a compromise between freedom and commitment. Romance flows more smoothly on Saturday, a good time for an intimate tryst.

Taurus Love Horoscope

An admirer may get pushy at the start of the week. Unconscious desires arise during the New Moon to stir things up. This could be a good thing, or not, depending on your situation. Also, you’ll need some downtime to restore your mojo. This weekend, beauty inspires romance on Saturday, but you may need to lighten up on Sunday.

Gemini Love Horoscope

An intense or unusual attraction gets your attention around the time of the New Moon. Strive to find a balance between romance and time spent with friends (or a group project). Also, your creativity will be on fire. Love can be found during a party or entertainment event on Saturday. Take time to recharge on Sunday.

Cancer Love Horoscope

Your sense of security may feel wobbly because of the New Moon. It may be time for some changes if you’re depending on people or activities that you’ve outgrown. Getting in touch with your aspirations can restore your equilibrium. A gathering at your house will energize you on Saturday, while commitment is on your mind on Sunday.

Leo Love Horoscope

How you communicate your feelings and ideas will determine the course of romance around the time of the New Moon, so speak thoughtfully and listen mindfully. Also, an unusual or brilliant idea may come to you. This weekend, expressing your desires revs up romance on Saturday, but a power struggle may arise on Sunday.

Virgo Love Horoscope

Someone close to you may challenge your values and priorities around the time of the New Moon, which can lead you to reevaluate your goals. Be mindful of overspending now, too. Wednesday is a great time for a rendezvous. This weekend, your wit and style win admirers. A serious discussion brings insights on Sunday.

Libra Love Horoscope

The New Moon in your sign can rattle your comfort zone, causing you to see yourself in a whole new light (in a good way). This shift may come about through someone close to you. Also, examining your family roots brings insights. This weekend, romance escalates on Saturday, while relationships may need a reality check on Sunday.

Scorpio Love Horoscope

Your past will be illuminated during the New Moon, so focus on closure if something is left incomplete or unsaid. A former partner may be on your mind. Also, your intuition is especially strong. A serene environment can inspire romance on Saturday. Analysis is a good thing on Sunday, if you don’t get overly critical.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope

Socializing escalates around the time of the New Moon, which can bring a personal or professional opportunity through a friend. Romance can be found during a group gathering or community event, especially on Saturday. You may feel a bit antisocial on Sunday, but it’s a good time to review your romantic life with a close friend.

Capricorn Love Horoscope

Look for romance through a colleague or work activity around the time of the New Moon. It’s also a good time to advance your career or review your goals. Romance can be found from afar or during a class on Wednesday. A public event may bring a romantic encounter on Saturday. A friend offers support on Sunday.

Is a colleague or friend actually a secret admirer? Psychic Venus ext. 9463 knows and can tell you!

Aquarius Love Horoscope

Passion is hot but tumultuous at the start of the week. Thereafter, the New Moon may bring a romantic interest that ignites your intellect or spirituality. Culture, travel or distance may play a role in a relationship. Your sense of adventure draws admirers, especially on Saturday. Long-term goals may be an issue for romance on Sunday.

Pisces Love Horoscope

Elimination is the key to happiness during the New Moon, which means it’s time to say goodbye to an attitude, habit or person that holds you back. Healing emotional wounds will energize your sexuality. This weekend, playful flirting can ignite passion on Saturday, but romance needs a soulful/serious approach on Sunday.

It’s time to let go of everything holding you back! Psychic TeriLynn ext. 9625 can show you how!

One thought on “Your LOVECAST®: Wildly Unpredictable Romance

  1. Angela Plotnikov

    California Psychics have been very helpful in my life; as clear and concise. I am pleased with everything as I am able to make quick decisions, and there are positive and hopeful messages to help me get through the day. I just ended a relationship with a man on Sept 28th of this year. I felt it was time to end things, as I am feeling very relieved and positive, and this is the third time ending things with him, and I know that it is the last, and such a great time for me. I am taking a course as to be a Relaxation Therapist, and I have completed Office Administration as well. There is a nice psychic in town where I live, as her name is Yvonne. I have talked with her as I do not ask her too many questions, it is just nice to mainly talk one on one to her, to get some sound advice in life. This month I plan on talking to a California Psychic. Take care, Angela Plotnikov.


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