New Moon in Taurus

The New Moon in Taurus on May 13, 2010 brings a new cycle that’s all about getting in touch with your instincts during the next two weeks. Taurus is also a money sign, so keep your eyes open for financial opportunities.

To discover how you can best take advantage of this new cycle, read your Sun and ascendant signs below.

Aries: You’re especially attuned to financial prospects during the New Moon. Now is the time to fire up your ingenuity and seek out ways to increase your earning power. Creating a savings plan will strengthen your financial foundation. Even so, you may find yourself buying something beautiful or sensual, like art, home décor or an extravagant spa treatment.

Taurus: The New Moon in your sign brings out your determination to pursue your dreams and goals. It’s time to review where your life is headed and make some adjustments where needed. A personal makeover through a new style or health regimen will inspire and energize you. Your sensuality is a beacon for admirers, so get out and socialize!

Gemini: Thoughts about the past may arise during the New Moon, which can help you resolve an emotional issue that has you stuck. Analyzing your former relationships (and other areas of your life) can bring insights that allow you to move forward. Meditation, introspection and dream analysis will accelerate your intuitive guidance, which is especially strong now.

Cancer: The ability to expand your social circle is the gift of the New Moon. As such, making new friends will be easier now. Networking with social and professional groups will open doors in your personal life and career. Your inner activist is also being energized, which may inspire you to get involved in your community.

Leo: The New Moon brings opportunities to advance your career. It’s time to get practical (and organized) about your goals and take some steps to realize them, perhaps by launching a new project. Networking with colleagues who can assist you will help you move forward. Sharing your expertise with others will open professional doors as well.

Virgo: The New Moon expands your direction by helping you see the bigger picture of your path. Taking some time to visualize your goals will bring clarity and help you manifest your aspirations. Your sense of adventure is strong now, which may prompt you to explore cultural, intellectual and/or spiritual interests through study and travel.

Libra: The need for a passionate connection intensifies during the New Moon. Analyzing and resolving any fears you have about intimacy and vulnerability will remove blocks to sexual fulfillment. You may also need some time alone to repair, restore and renew your energy. On a practical note, creating a plan to pay off debt will increase your financial freedom.

Scorpio: The New Moon energizes the connection with your partner. Shared activities can bring you closer together — or bring up issues that need to be worked through. If you’re solo, it’s time to get clear about what you want in a partner and the type of commitment you’re ready for, which will help you manifest someone compatible.

Sagittarius: The New Moon brings in opportunities to expand your work. Taking care of loose ends will free up your energy. It’s also an excellent time to start a diet, or at least evaluate your diet and exercise routine. Bring of service to others can bring satisfaction, so strive to connect with those who could use your skills.

Capricorn: You’re all fired up with both love and creativity during the New Moon. Romantic trysts can bring delight, if you take time out from your busy schedule to have some fun. Working and promoting a creative project can bring good results during the next two weeks. Mainly, it’s time to take a leap toward whatever brings you bliss.

Aquarius: Your nesting instincts come out to play during the New Moon. Focusing on organizing and beautifying your home environment can bring fulfillment. Your home is now the focal point of gatherings of friends and/or family members. It may also be time to work through any family issues that keep you stuck in the past.

Pisces: The New Moon intensifies your brainpower, which can inspire you to take a class, join a book club or start a novel — anything that energizes your intellect. Sharing your humor and insights with others will heighten your confidence. Networking online or in-person can bring in new friends, business contacts and perhaps a romantic interlude!

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