Your Money Horoscope for Winter 2013 – 2014

money horoscope

Your Money Horoscope: A Season of Abundance?

Welcome to your Money Horoscope covering the period between the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2013 and the Vernal Equinox on March 20, 2014.

While all planets and houses can affect your Money Horoscope directly or indirectly, there are certain transits that can stick out and taking note of the following dates will help you navigate through winter informed.

Planets and Retrogrades in Winter

In your Money Horoscope, the majority of planets that enter retrograde phase are your signal to slow down or step back—to review and revamp. Here are the major retrogrades for Winter 2013 – 2014:

• Venus Retrograde in Capricorn on December 21, 2013 ending in Capricorn January 31, 2014
• Mercury Retrograde in Pisces on February 6, 2014 ending in Aquarius on February 28, 2014
• Mars Retrograde in Libra on March 1, 2014 ending May 19, 2014 in Libra
• Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio on March 2, 2014 through July 20, 2014 in Scorpio
• Jupiter Retrograde in Cancer (since November 2013) goes direct on March 6, 2014 in Cancer

All of the above planets, especially Mercury, Venus and Saturn, can be helpful when in retrograde if used wisely. Reviewing and revamping financial plans and saving money as opposed to spending are all encouraged and supported. Jupiter will be most financially helpful when it resumes direct motion.

Get great money-saving tips from Psychic Maryanne ext. 9146!

Winter Phases of the Moon

Full Moons can signal an ending of some sort and New Moons are conducive to starting new endeavors. It’s always important to see what else is going on in the universe at that time. These are the New and Full Moon phases for your Money Horoscope–all occur in 2014.

• January 1 – New Moon in Capricorn
• January 15 – Full Moon in Cancer
• January 31 – New Moon in Aquarius
• February 14 – Full Moon in Leo
• March 1 – New Moon in Pisces
• March 16 – Full Moon in Virgo

Eclipses in Winter

Although there are four eclipses in 2014, none of them occur during the winter of 2013 – 2014. Since eclipses can be signs of life-changing events, let’s take that as a gift from the universe.

Now let’s take a look at your Sun Sign’s winter Money Horoscope. Don’t forget to also read the forecast for your rising sign, if you know it.


Professional and financial opportunities abound in January. You may even find a totally new source of income. When Venus goes direct on January 31, she makes all of February shine as well. In March, retrogrades of Mars and Saturn will affect your business and financial partnerships as well as joint finances—establish new plans.


Watch spending while Venus is in retrograde through January 31. The January 1 and 31 Moons will help you make good connections that could bring more money your way. Mercury’s retrograde in February will encroach on your career house so double-check work and back up your computer. In March, partnerships, both financial and professional, are likely to be tested.

How will the retrograde affect your finances? Psychic Caroline ext. 6263 can tell you!


Your Money Horoscope begins with Jupiter Retrograde in your money house through March 6. You may choose to rethink your sources of income/savings strategies. January’s Capricorn New Moon as well as the Full Moon in Cancer will help with finances. Venus direct on January 31 is a good day for your money. Career matters slow after March 2.


Mercury will be in your house of joint finances between January 11 and 31. It will retrograde in February while in Pisces but then it slips back into Aquarius. Don’t over-extend finances. However, the Capricorn New Moon and Cancerian Full Moon in January are big bolsters to your finances, as are just about every New and Full Moon through the rest of winter, especially on February 14.


January can still be unsettling due to Venus Retrograde in your daily work house, but the January 1 New Moon is an exception to that. On February 6 the Mercury Retrograde starts in your house of joint finances. Don’t apply for loans. March 17 brings Mercury to Pisces and helps joint finances as well as creativity.


The January 30 New Moon should bring new work opportunities your way that could help your finances. Mercury will retrograde on February 6 in Pisces until the 12th when it backs into Aquarius. Don’t say anything to jeopardize work relationships. On March 1 Mars turns retrograde when you’ll be both making and spending money.


Mars in your sign from December through July 25 is your new lease on life, sans the retrograde beginning on March 1 through May 19. Jupiter begins winter in retrograde in your career house lasting until March 6 after which it begins to improve your finances. Mercury will be retrograde in your house of daily work from February 6 through 12—double check your work before handing it in. Karmic Saturn assists finances until March 2 when it will also retrograde.


The January 1 New Moon fused with Mercury’s energy puts your communication skills (money, and decision-making) center stage. There’s a Full Moon in your career house on February 14, which may be difficult if you can’t keep cool. Karmic Saturn is continually helping your finances as well, but it will retrograde on March 2. No big news can be good news, Scorpio.


Your Money Horoscope starts with Venus going retrograde on December 21, 2013 in your money house. She then turns direct on January 31 and stays through March 5, which is great for your winter finances. Also, your money house is packed with planets and includes a New Moon on January 1. That is a huge financial gift. Your career and wallet will love the Full Moon on March 16.


The New Moon in your sign on January 1 is double financial luck for you. After Venus goes direct in your sign on January 31, it’s the end of uncertainty in financial matters and that lasts well through March 5. It’s only slightly affected by the Mercury retrograde in your money house from February 12 through the 28th, so keep an eye on your spending and don’t enter any new financial agreements at that time. After that it continues moving forward in your money house through March 16 and that’s awesome.

You have good financial news waiting for you and Psychic Amanda ext. 5605 wants to tell you all about it!


The January 15 Full Moon brings new career opportunities your way and the New Moon on January 30 is the beginning of your new year. January is a good month in general for you. February 6 through 12, money-minded Mercury retrogrades through your house of finances. This is the week to keep an eye on spending. On March 17 Mercury (direct) enters your money house again—that’s always good news.


The New Moon in Capricorn may highlight your social sector, but that translates into networking on the career and financial level due to other alignments, especially after Venus goes direct on January 31. This is also the same day Mercury enters your sign—more Money Horoscope luck. Mercury will retrograde in Pisces for about six days (February 6 – 12) before moving into Aquarius, so don’t overspend. The February 14 Full Moon might be slightly difficult, but Mars in your joint finances house gives you the drive to keep going.

2 thoughts on “Your Money Horoscope for Winter 2013 – 2014

  1. Bella

    Thank you I’m liking CaPRICORNS all around forecast 4 2014 already !!! Thank you it’s much appreciated LJ .. FYI you are pretty good – right on 2 & as usual 2 lol 😉 , thanks a bunch I’m really looking forward 2 the new year 2014 .. I wish you Many blessing 2 you – yours !!! 🙂 )0(

  2. HELEN



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