Lucky Number 7 Numerology: March 2020

Lucky Number 7 Numerology: March 2020 | California Psychics

The Numerology Behind Your Dreams

Have you ever noticed how often “Lucky number 7” is thrown your way during the year? It can appear in addresses, phone numbers, page numbers, price tags, clock digits, and the list goes on. In numerology, the number seven may suggest that you are on the right path, but it can take on a few different meanings depending on how it is served up. As the third month of the year, this March 2020 (3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 7) will take on the number seven as your universal month, which is lucky indeed if you know how to play your cards (or how to hold them – as this case may be.)

The Most Important Things for March – Introspection & Honesty

You might think that a universal month of luck should be a time to take action, but it is actually a time to slow down and ask yourself three very important questions: Where are you, where would you like to be, and what can you be doing to get there? Before you answer any of these questions, let’s talk about what might make honestly answering these questions a bit difficult – your own bias. This is a combination of other’s suggestions, your own self-criticism/pessimism, your idea of what is best for you, your fear of the unknown, and past results from following through with these biases.

Where you are, where you want to be, and how you are going to get there are some very loaded questions. It is going to take some deep introspection to discover the answers, and this is exactly what a seven universal month is all about. So, in order to give you the best start, let’s break down the biases we talked about to give you an idea of how to spend that alone time productively.

Make Universal Lucky 7 Work for You

2020 is the Universal Year of 4 (2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4), and one thing a number 4 year has going for it is an energetic start. This means that you are likely bustling with ideas, assuming that Lucky 7 has already lit a fire under your dreams. But who’s dreams are they really? Are you certain they’re your dreams and not someone else’s? You may be ready to shoot off the starting line, but you already know where that ends, because you have probably been there before. No, this year you are going to do things differently.

  • Don’t Confuse “Should” with “Want”Is there a difference between what you think you should do, and what you really “want” to accomplish this year? This month you can see things more clearly to answer what it is that you really need. And once you think you have discovered the answer, give yourself a couple more days of introspection to make sure that a “should” has not come sneaking back.
  • Don’t Confuse Failure with the ProcessFailure is a dirty word during a universal 7 month, because it can sway you off course and lead you down the wrong path. Success is a process, and while you could think of all that stuff in between as failures, you would do yourself a favor to think of it as more of an adventure. Take this month to search for what really makes you happy, and don’t let your pessimism or self-criticisms scare you away from stepping onto a more difficult/risky path.
  • Don’t Confuse Fear with a Bad IdeaGut instincts are important to listen to during a lucky 7 universal month, but sometimes these instincts are more about your fear than your actual desires. It is normal to feel scared when making plans that appear outside your normal stomping grounds. One thing this month has going for it is the time to gather information. You’re not just taking the month to monitor your dreams, but also gather intel on your ideas and give some forethought on how such plans may play out in your current situation and future.

Don’t be Afraid of Taking Your Time

What’s so lucky about a universal month that concentrates on introspection and planning is that there is a chance any plans you made prior to this may not have been in your best interest. Now is the time to catch these mistakes and set them right, because these could cost years of spinning your wheels. Taking the time to plan without taking any action may sound anti-productive and boring, but it can be rewarding so long as you take those plans and put them into action when the time is right. And here’s a hint: the month of April (8 universal month) could be that time!

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