Discover Fabulous Vacations Using Your Sun Sign

Your sun sign can tell you a lot about what types of vacations would be both exhilarating and fulfilling, and fuel your soul with some needed diversion from everyday life. What’s your next vacation destination?


You love warm and exciting venues full of spontaneous adventures. Whether rock climbing on a craggy cliff in Africa or testing your luck in exciting Vegas hotspots, you are ready for all the surprises that are bound to pop up.


Comfort comes in many forms, and Taurus loves them all. You love the feel your comfy hotel bed as much as you love the view of the snow-capped mountains or the exotic beach just outside your window.


Wherever you go, you won’t go unprepared. You like an authentic experience, not just the touristy kind. You want to eat and drink with the locals. Being a dual sign, you may even plan a double-destination vacation.


The crab is happiest near water, whether ocean or lake. For you, it’s all about who you go with and the fun you had together. Take lots of pictures.


Big cities and exotic spas provide you with luxury and a million and one things to do. You like action and adventure and spare no expense to get it.


You prefer going to places that teach you something such as culture, language, or learn a new skill. And body-conscious Virgo loves a good health spa where they can nourish their bodies inside and out.


Libra wants excitement, culture, plenty of people and plenty of things to do. Visiting friends in far away cities would appeal to your love of familiarity in unfamiliar places.


You prefer secluded, private places where you can relax and unwind. Scorpio is a water sign, so being near water soothes you. You prefer a small beach cottage to a crowded hotel and long quiet walks on the beach.


New and exciting places would be fun for you, or any outdoor adventure where you can sleep under the stars. You prefer warm places to cold, but if it’s an adventure of any type, you’re ready for it.


Earthly Capricorn loves culture and history. A beautiful city like Moscow would offer you both. Perhaps a penthouse view overlooking a sandy beach and a large golf course where you could sneak in a little business.


Plan a trip to the great outdoors, whether it be a beach or mountain destination. You like a mix of the wild and the tame. Go on a nature hike and then get back to your hotel in time for a fabulous dinner. Make sure you get some alone time.


The fish would be happiest in a tropical and romantic setting, with very few reminders of real life. A morning swim with your honey or dancing under the tropical skies would be heaven.

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