Your August Full Moon Horoscope

Your August Full Moon Horoscope

Spirituality, Sexuality, and Freedom

The full moon on August 26 is the first full moon after the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century (occurred in late July). A full moon takes place roughly once per month (“moon-th”) when the earth is between the sun and the moon. This is best seen when the full moon is a total lunar eclipse (like the one in July) when the earth’s shadow causes a red “blood” moon to appear. While the full moon asks for balance between your spirit/identity and your emotions, all of the related astrology for this full moon also expresses this need. Many hospitals and police departments even staff more heavily during full moons because of the observable emotional stresses that seem to impact people at these times.

Want a detailed understanding of how this full moon impacts your sun sign? Read with an astrology psychic today!

The Birth of Something New

These are pivotal times in your life and the birth of something new impacts your way of living, your ideas, and your emotional balance. Challenging times offer the most opportunities, and this full moon offers great spiritual development, breakthroughs in your sexuality, and subsequent freedom. In addition to that, creative and financial freedom can be launched at this time. A balance of personal passion and romance/idealism is required. Your heart needs to speak in the midst of your desires—both personal and spiritual. With that, let’s jump into your full moon horoscope!

Aries Full Moon Horoscope

There are special demands at work that also affect your public image. Your willingness to take risks in finances can work for you as long as you’re willing to commit to the purpose of your life rather than temporary emotions. Relying on partners and listening to their important communications will serve you well.

Taurus Full Moon Horoscope

Your reliability is giving way to your willingness to be an agent of change when it’s needed. This is perfect for your love life and your creative efforts too. Even when you’re in doubt, stand with your inspired ideas. Friends will certainly be there to support you.

Gemini Full Moon Horoscope

You have the most beautiful things to say during this full moon and beyond. Others are emotional at work and in the public realm but you’d like to focus on your home life instead. You may feel like you’re listening to things that should already be completed. Just give it a few weeks and it will be resolved.

Cancer Full Moon Horoscope

Your communications and mystical growth are powerful in this full moon chart. You’re feeling particularly generous to children and your creative efforts are wonderfully productive in your educational and travel pursuits. You are spiritually inspired and can make a real difference in the world.

Leo Full Moon Horoscope

You know that your finances and investing in your future are important at this time. Therefore, use the power of your passionate language and your ability to hear others’ concerns to empathize with their situation. This is where you lead and move forward in your life. You’ll certainly benefit through empathy.

Virgo Full Moon Horoscope

This eclipse focuses your energies on relationships because you can turn enmity into cooperation. You can inspire others with new ways of approaching life from a travel/spiritual point of view. Know that creative effort and caring for children can make a huge difference if you have a big-picture view of how to make things work.

Libra Full Moon Horoscope

Your personal charm and perspective on kindness, grace, and beauty can be communicated in powerful ways. Just be certain to understand what others need when it comes to health and your work environment. Review your past for answers too. Don’t shy away from your creative efforts to make it all work.

Scorpio Full Moon Horoscope

All of your work must come from love, whether it’s friendship love or the love for a special lover in your life. Your heart is open and big at this time and you see what others don’t. Therefore, share what you’ve learned and watch what happens. When you speak from your depths, your power is limitless.

Sagittarius Full Moon Horoscope

There is so much going on between your public and personal lives that you want to sort things out emotionally at the same time you follow your dreams. You are feeling so intensely these days that you need an artistic outlet. You can certainly heal yourself with creative and spiritual communications.

Capricorn Full Moon Horoscope

You’re feeling the power of building the future you’ve worked so long to create. You had to clean away a lot of old, outdated feelings and now you’re ready to move forward. Just speak from your deepest feelings and fire things up with your inspirational view of the planet.

Aquarius Full Moon Horoscope

Partners have important communications for you. They will also have a financial impact. If you’re hearing something from them that sounds like a great investment from the heart, just be certain that you’re grounded in your personal needs. Then, speak those wishes to others who might invest in you.

Pisces Full Moon Horoscope

The full moon is in your sign today and it speaks to all that you dream of in relationships, spiritual pursuits, and the transforming of groups that can make a difference in life. You’ll speak from a brilliant inner space if you take time to be loving and careful.

Astrology plays an important role in your day-to-day life. Your birth date impacts your moods, experiences and more, which is why you should get a psychic astrology reading. Our astrology psychics can tell you about the important dates in your life (past, present, and future) that will massively impact you.

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