4 Rituals to Try During a Lunar Eclipse

4 Rituals to Try During the Lunar Eclipse | California Psychics

What to Expect During the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

November 19, 2021, marks the last lunar eclipse of the year. During a lunar eclipse, the shadow of the earth falls across the surface of the moon. This eclipse will be taking place when the Full Moon is at its furthest point from Earth, resulting in it appearing smaller and dimmer than a normal Full Moon. This Micro Moon is the opposite of the Super Moons that we’ve seen an abundance of this year. But that doesn’t mean that it packs any less of a punch; it’s just that its energy will affect us differently. This will lead to an intense lunation that will bring closure to both romantic and financial issues but may also lead to emotional outbursts. When you add the power of a Full Moon to an eclipse you get a super-powered Full Moon that helps to realign us with our soul’s purpose, encourages us to let go of emotions and outdated attachments, and correct our personal paths when needed.

Rituals for a Lunar Eclipse

There are many different ways that we can honor and make the most of this powerful cycle. Let’s take a look at a few that might encourage us to incorporate our own ideas.

1. Moon Bathing Meditation
You can do this outside or through a window. Wherever you choose to do it, try to find a place with limited artificial lighting. Sit or lie down and bathe in the moonlight. Gaze up at the moon, ask, “What do I need to remember?” and, “What do I need to let go of?” Then clear your mind with intentional breathing to open your mind to new insights. Write down what comes to you both immediately after the ritual and what you were shown in your dreams the next morning.

2. Full Moon Scrying
Scrying is one of my favorite divination methods. Fill a bowl or chalice with water. Position yourself so that you are ‘catching’ the reflection of the Full Moon on the water’s surface, and then let the images simply flow. If you find yourself having issues seeing anything, feel free to add a few drops of ink, oil, or melted wax to the water to make everything a bit easier to comprehend.

3. Make a Dream Board
Full Moons are a great time to anchor in your dreams, goals, and visions for your life in a visual/tangible way. This board can include words, pictures, or a mixture of both. I like to separate my boards into two halves. One side is for the things that I need to let go of and the other side is for the things that I wish to draw into my life. This is a ritual that is a lot of fun to do with your close friends. The extra energy that is focused by like-minded people allows the manifestation potential to go through the roof.

4. Candle Ritual
This one is super easy and doesn’t need anything more than a candle, a piece of paper, and a pen. Light the candle and simply focus on the flame. What thoughts come through to you? What intentions do you feel would be appropriate for the next phase of your life? Once you have that insight, write down your intentions – focus all your energy into writing this out and when you are done, burn the paper. For the final step, scatter the ashes into the wind.

What Not to Do During a Lunar Eclipse

One thing that you should stay away from is charging or cleansing crystals during this time. Why? Well, to put it simply, the energy during an eclipse can be chaotic, unpredictable, and erratic. None of that is the type of energy you want your crystals and stones to absorb or harness.

What should you do if you inadvertently do charge your crystals? Cleanse them. You can use clean water (if the stone can be cleansed in water, some like Selenite can’t be), place them in a bowl of salt, place them on or near a large piece of Selenite, or use sage or palo santo and pass them through the smoke.

Take it Slow

The energy of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse advises us to slow down, turn inwards and listen to our intuition. It is the perfect time to sit down and ask our Higher Selves for guidance and insight. And with this one coming so close to the end of the year it is the ideal time to gain knowledge of what might be holding us back before the new year arrives.

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