Your 30-Day Vedic Forecast: April 13 – May 13, 2013

Tap in to the Power of Vedic Astrology to See the Week Ahead

The Vedic Nakshatras tell the story of the Moon’s travel through its “mansions.” This astrology guides you to follow your soul’s purpose, day by day. All times are PDT.

Sun: Ashwini through Apr 27 when it enters Bharani. It then enters Krittika late May 10.

Apr 13, Moon in Krittika until 3:20 p.m.: Be gentle and careful during activities today. Then Moon in Rohini (through Sunday evening) will bring a delicious, romantic time.

Apr 14, 6:14 p.m. – 15, 9:17 p.m.: Moon in Mrigashira. This is a great day for creative pursuits and inspiration.

Apr 15, 9:17 p.m. – 17, 12:17 a.m.: Ardra Moon. This is a good day to give comfort to those having a sense of loss by sharing your personal experiences of healing.

Apr 17, 12:17 a.m. – 18, 3:02 a.m.: Moon in Punarvasu. This is a positive day when you will be feeling strong and self-sufficient to do what is needed.

Apr 18 3:02 a.m.  19, 5:18 a.m.: Your words are inspiring with Moon in Pushya. A wonderful sense of spirit and joy can be achieved.

Apr 19 5:18 a.m. – 20, 6:55 a.m.: Moon in Ashlesha brings a day when intense sensuality can rule along with rich travel experiences.

Get a love compatibility reading with astrologer Psychic Nicholas ext. 5499 and see if the relationship will last.

Apr 20, 6:55 a.m. – 21, 7:50 a.m.: Moon in Magha. This is a powerful day when you can show your mastery of leadership and an ability to get things done.

Apr 21, 7:50 a.m. – 22, 8 a.m.: Moon in Purva brings a passion for action and harmonious sexual encounters.

Apr 22, 8 a.m. – 23, 7:28 a.m.: Moon in Uttara Phalguni. Your sense of loyalty and kind words today will offer real healing to others.

Apr 23, 7:28 a.m. -24, 6:18 a.m.: Moon in Hasta. Your kind interactions yesterday can bring positive, creative potential in your efforts today.

Apr 24, 6:18 a.m. – 25, 4:37 a.m.: Moon in Chitra. This morning is a joyous. You feel blessed and abundant.

“Unlike reading a general horoscope based only on month and day, furnishing your specific date, time and place of birth reveals a blueprint of what you planned to accomplish in your lifetime.” – Psychic Sonja ext. 5071

Apr 25, 4:37 a.m. – 26, 2:33 a.m.: Lunar eclipse (12:56 p.m.) and Full Moon in Swati. There are opportunities for spiritual and educational breakthroughs opening before you on this lunar eclipse day.

Apr 26, 2:33 a.m. – 27, 12:17 a.m.: Moon in Vishakha. Use your intuitive, emotional nature to nurture yourself and others today for personal growth.

Apr 27, 12:17 a.m. – 9:55 p.m.: Moon in Anuradha. Today you’ll have surprises in your relationships. If you have a cooperative approach this could be a breakthrough.

Apr 27, 9:55 p.m. – Apr 28 7:37 p.m.: Moon in Jyeshtha. This day begins with powerful encounters that give way to real opportunities for communicating well, bringing your desired action.

Apr 28, 7:37 p.m. – Apr 29, 5:46 p.m.: Moon in Mula is a good day to examine your depths and take action to heal from within. Then you’ll adapt well to surprise events.

Apr 29, 5:46 p.m. – 30, 3:40 p.m.: Moon in Purva Ashadha brings great opportunities for new success in relationships after yesterday’s changes.

Apr 30, 3:40 p.m. – May 1, 2:13 p.m.: Moon in Uttara Ashadha. Use intense focus this evening to succeed. This allows you to manage unexpected communications from others who are feeling frustrated.

May 1, 2:13 p.m. – 2, 1:13 p.m.: Moon in Shravana. Your sensitivity is high today and by mid-day on the 2nd you’ll be delighted with teaching and spiritual pursuits.

May 2, 1:13 p.m. – 3, 12:42 p.m.: Moon in Dhanishtha brings an active day when you express yourself well with rhythm, dance and music.

May 3, 12:42 p.m. – 4, 12:42 p.m.: Combine positive action with to your inner-knowing and personal healing for success with Moon in Shatabhisha.

May 4, 12:42 p.m. – 5, 1:12 p.m.: Moon in Purva Bhadrapada. Be sensitive to others today and tomorrow morning and you’ll enjoy a lovely Sunday.

May 5, 1:12 p.m. – 6, 2:11 p.m.: Moon in Uttara Bhadrapada. Use Sunday evening to express yourself lovingly and you’ll be particularly prepared for big changes on Monday.

May 6, 2:11 p.m. – 7, 3:39 p.m.: Moon and Sun in Revati. The changes of this evening bring unexpected blessing of love and gifts.

May 7, 3:39 p.m. – 8, 5:33 p.m.: Crescent Moon in Ashwini. Use the inspirations this evening and tomorrow to prepare for a very active and productive Thursday.

May 8, 5:33 p.m. – 9, 7:50 p.m.: (Solar eclipse and New Moon, May 9 5:28 p.m.). Use your strong desire and drive under this Bharani eclipse to take action on your greatest ideals.

May 9, 7:50 p.m. – 10, 10:30 p.m.: Moon in Krittika. This evening gives you the ability to shed what isn’t needed. This allows you to enjoy inspiration in a loving day tomorrow with someone special.

May 10, 10:30 p.m. – 12, 1:22 a.m.: Moon in Rohini. You will be tempted to be self-indulgent today. Be certain to include your loved one and it can be fun!

May 12, 1:22 a.m. – 13, 4:25 a.m.: Moon in Mrigashira. You’ll be gifted in communications today and can easily inspire others with your ideas.

May 13, 4:25 a.m. – 14, 7:28 a.m.: Ardra Moon. You’ll be moved by emotions today. If there is a sense of separation this evening, know that it is only temporary.

Let astrologer Psychic Kit ext. 5180 tell you if it’s for real or just for now.

12 thoughts on “Your 30-Day Vedic Forecast: April 13 – May 13, 2013

  1. bella

    This IS 4 William,

    US CAPRICORN WOMEN we ARE WIRED DIFFERENT because WE are the mirror image OF the MALE CAPRICORN VERSION’S, “” IT IS WHAT IT IS “” YES WE will see IT 4 what IT really IS ONLY & BECAUSE WE WON’T 2 MOVE ON. WE can & WE will always forgive, BUT HERE’S the (1) thing ABOUT US WE will NEVER EVER NEVER forget !!! CAN THE (2) of you survive well IT WILL all DEPEND if a solid foundation WAS BUILT 1ST BETWEEN THE (2) OF YOU !!! Since WE love REALLY HARD WHEN WE do LOVE maybe, JUST MAYBE but a PRICE OF TRUST WILL always BE there JUST know that okay, FYI & BUT “” WE DON’T/WON’T DO NO kind OF BETRAYAL @ all FYI “”, BUT if SHE IS INDEPENDENT like I think she IS #1) SHE WILL NEVER just settle 4 the BS ever, AND FYI #2) YOU should/WOULD know this BY now RIGHT ??? IF YOU REALLY do/DID LOVE HER RIGHT ?? ALL My Best Wishes/BLESSINGS are 4 you, & WITH your son 2, JUST please try/or TRY 2 say you at least “TRIED” 2 REMEMBER HE IS THE ONLY PRIORITY right now between the (2) of you FYI !!! SORRY I see this everyday WITH WHAT I DO when KIDS get lost among (2) PARENTS WAR/JUSTICE SYSTEM EVERYDAY yes IT is very SAD “” 🙁 Bella

  2. William T Johnson

    I would like to know if my ex-girlfriend will come back to me and just because we had an argument and i made a bad mistake, would she reconsider? I truly love her and i want to make up for lost time with her and my son. Please help with answer. I’m a LIBRA and she is a CAPRICORN, and we have a son. I really miss her from the heart. Please give me an answer to get me thru this ordeal.

  3. Tracy Trudo

    “Hello, excuse me..but none of this I can’t come to any knowledge of. For it has no meaning, no sense of meaning.

  4. kathy

    i hust want to know whats going to my relatioship thasts been going on for 5 years will it end and if so will i meet someone else to make me get over my love that ive lost


    Hi, my name is angel, I am moving from nc. Back to
    I am going to move in with my boyfriend, for the first
    Time.. But soon we are getting married. My family
    And his family. Are all Very very very. Happy for us..

    Do you see us moving into a House in the FURTURE
    I. AM 50 years old.

    Have a great day… Angel & Brian.

  6. M Carmen

    Thank you for the Vedic Forecast. Will be nice to read my personal Vedic for the next 6 months.
    Kind regards

  7. subhabrata bose

    Hallow, this is the good job that you have give a chance to others to see there daly moom travel & its result.


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