What to Ask Psychics

We know that you have questions that need to be answered right away, but before you call one of our psychics, there are a few things to consider.

We Have Over 400 Psychic to Choose From
At California Psychics, our psychics come from all over the world. We have women and men of all ages and backgrounds ready and able to help you through your most stressful times. Picking the right reader for you may seem like a daunting task, but each psychic has a descriptive bio that emphasizes their tools, abilities and areas of expertise. Their bios also include reviews, so you can read how other customers felt about their readings. And if you still need help choosing your psychic, call Customer Care for recommendations.

You Can Get a General Reading or a Specific Reading
Some people call to ask our psychics specific questions, while others call to ask for a general reading. The great thing about a specific reading is that it gets to the heart of the matter right away. But the great thing about a general reading is that it can reveal issues you didn’t know existed because you are opening yourself up to any messages your spirit guides and the universe have to share. Our psychics easily accommodate both requests, but if you have specific areas of interest or specific questions, be sure to ask them up front. It will save you a lot of time and money if you can help your psychic focus on what matters most to you.

You Need to be Open, Sincere and Enthusiastic
Psychic readings work best when the client is open to getting a reading. It sounds obvious, but people who are closed off do call our psychics from time to time. If you aren’t open to getting a reading, you’re wasting the psychics time and you’re wasting your money. So before you call, be committed to your role in your reading. Be present, be open, be excited and let the psychic go where they need to go to get the messages you need.

You Need to Limit Your Distractions
Psychics work with your energy, so it needs to be focused in order for you to get a great reading. That means you shouldn’t call your psychic while you’re driving, cooking, or watching TV. If your mind is focused elsewhere, it won’t be focused on your psychic, what they see or the advice they have to share. Instead, find a quiet place, free of noise, chaos and distraction and take a few deep breaths. Then call. A psychic reading can be a life-changing experience, so it’s best to treat it that way.

You Have to Face the Truth
When you get a psychic reading, know that what you’ll hear is the truth. Our psychics don’t tell their callers what they want to hear if it’s not the truth. That isn’t helpful or productive! Know that the messages they share are for your highest self—the best and greatest version of who you are. So while the truth may hurt now and be devastating, know that in the long run it’s for your own good. Our psychics see what you can’t, so you need to trust their abilities.

You Have to Consider Your Budget
We have psychics at several different price points, and we’re always offering packages and special offers to new and active customers. Please note that the price is per minute, so you will have more time with a psychic on a lower-priced tier than on a higher-priced tier. Customer Care can help you find the right psychic for your budget.


One thought on “What to Ask Psychics

  1. Phyllis Blanks

    Dash gave me a reading 8/15/16 and he was right on point. I felt a change in my life instantly. I will be calling him back in the near future, but I am not able to do so right now. I am very satisfied with Dash at this point and time


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