The Lovely Bones

International bestseller The Lovely Bones opens in select theaters today…and you know its going to be good because Peter Jackson of Lord of the Rings fame directed it. (Let’s pray it’s not 3 hours.)

If you haven’t read the book, the story centers around 14 year old Susie Salmon who was brutally raped and murdered by a sadistic neighbor — the twist — Susie narrates from her own personal heaven and watches how the lives of her family members unfold all while trying to come to terms with her own death.

The cast looks pretty stellar featuring Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz, Susan Sarandon and Stanley Tucci.

Watching the trailer, Peter Jackson has certainly created a whimsical, visually rich “in between” world.

What do you believe happens when you die? Do you get to create your own heaven?

3 thoughts on “The Lovely Bones

  1. Psychic - Jesse - x9027

    Dear Jen,

    I dont know if this will reach you since I am responding outside of TypePad, but this is the only way
    I can figure out how! 😉


    Thank you for your comments about past life work. Yes, it can be done over the phone and I have done dozens of them in such a manner. It requires some advance planning on the part of both the querent and the regressionist.


    Several of the cases I did in the late 1980s and early 1990s are being complied and will soon be published in a book of case studies I have been compiling for the past 8 years. The impact that a past life regression can make on a present situation is often astonishing! The cases I am writing about in the new book will deal with 12 case histories in which  the persons life was completely altered forever (quite literally!) Many of these cases can be verified through old court records, etc. It is very real and these lives were just a few of the ones who will connect the dots and find their true destiny.


    For a regression to be successfully done over the phone, the querent needs to be in a place where there is NO outside stimulus: no cell phones, no dogs, no doorbell ringing, etc. They also need a headset so they can hear my instructions without worrying about keeping the phone to their ear.


    Each regression takes about an hour. The time to discuss what was experienced takes MUCH longer!


    If I can ever be of any help, consider it done! You do a great job with the blog and it is my genuine honor to be in contact with you!


    Happy Holly Daze!

    Jesse 9027

  2. Jen

    Hi Jesse,
    I really liked your response. That was very cool. I’m really interested in knowing more about past life regression. Is that something you are able to do over the phone? What is the process like? I may have to get a reading lol. Any info on how you read past lives would be great…you can post it here or send it to me and we’ll make it a main story.
    Have a good Sunday!

  3. Psychic - Jesse - x9027

    A friend of mine once said he was a militant agnostic, “I don’t know and neither do you” was his favorite statement about the changes that may (or may not) happen on the other side of the life we now know.
    Every religion has its own take on what waits for us and every person in that religion has a “fine tuning” of what that may be.
    With more than 25 years of past life regression work to my credit, I have got to believe that life is a true continuum of time and space and that death is simply a phase just the same as birth. One creates a physical manifestation that we can collectively see and touch and the other removes it. The energy, however, remains constant.
    A basic law of physics: “Energy cannot be destroyed. It can only change shape.” We are head to toe energy. We are carbon based and filled with liquid so that energy can trasmit easily throughout every cell. And in the psychic world, we can see that energy doesn’t stop within the cells!
    I have heard many souls from the other side and have shared their messages with those they seek to hear them. This is not a “flight of fancy”. What I have been told is very real and I could not have had any previous knowledge of the issues at hand. Something HAD to be there to guide me.
    I believe that many spirits stay very close for quite a while. Since all time is happening “now”, there will be no acknowledgement from the other side as to how “long” they stay nearby.
    However, from my own personal experiences with death and from what I have expereinced through others, whatever is waiting on the other side does not include a “lake of fire” or any kind of extreme judgement. It is a time of processing what has been learned and trying to understand what to do next.
    If we can “create” our own heaven, it would mean we have the power to alter natural laws. Who knows? Maybe we do! Maybe my friend is right after all! 😉
    Many Blessings,
    Jesse 9027


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