Houses in Your Dreams

Dreams about houses, schools, churches and other structures can offer enlightening clues about your love life, sexuality, career, health and other areas of your life. Just as important is the condition of ... read more

Get Out of Your Head

Our sensuality should be the most natural thing in the world, but too often we let our heads get in the way. Sex is physical. It's emotional. Sometimes it's even spiritual. But what it should not be - is ... read more

Come to Your Senses

The second chakra, which is located in the lower abdominal area and sacral area, deals with our needs, our emotions and our sexuality. Swadhisthana, which means sweetness in Sanskrit, is associated with ... read more

Obvious Sex Tips

Listen up, lovers. These might seem like really obvious observations to enhance your sex life, but you'd be amazed at how many lovers (all the world over!) don't have a clue. Master these principles and ... read more
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