Marie Antoinette Playing Cards: May 10-16

Marie Antoinette Playing Cards: May 10-16 | California Psychics

The Power of Tarot

Marie Antoinette was the last queen of France to ascend to the throne in the years directly before the French Revolution. Her court was filled with complications and scandals and she was gossiped about for her alleged licentious and extravagant behavior.

I find her playing cards fascinating for divination. The personalities who reigned in her court have been assigned as “rulers” on many of the “court” cards in this deck. They lend a hint of legend about how the cards can delineate the future of a situation in our everyday lives.

In fact, whole playing card decks were named after rulers and nobles of the court. Some consider the late eighteenth century to be a “moment of refinement and perfection” in etiquette and behavior where the characters of the court were like actors playing out roles.

Only the wealthy had “des loisirs”, (leisure) to enjoy games of bridge and poker. Card decks were designed in specialty shops and were actually considered an art form. They served as “props” for the social dramas of the time as much as fashion, food, and furniture. They were used for fortune-telling and divination interchangeably with the Tarot.

Let’s wander through the palace of the eighteenth century French court now for a preview of the week ahead for us.

Don’t forget your fan.

May 10 – Sunday

Queen of Hearts – Happy Mother’s Day!

Marie Antoinette is featured on this card. She serenely gazes at us from the picture, and exudes motherly concern. This Queen is emotional, intuitive, and empathic. Someone is seeing you this way today.

Whether you realize it or not, you have an admirer who is probably a potential lover. If you are happy in a current relationship, realize how much you are truly valued for these qualities.

May 11 – Monday

Jack of Hearts

The Jack of Hearts is a romantic chatterbox. Well, there are worse things, for sure. A person who expresses interest in you is sincere today. Just make sure that you develop the relationship slowly enough to know that these feelings will be consistent. Potential is here for a very romantic situation.

May 12 – Tuesday

King of Clubs

The King of Clubs is forceful, magnetic, and sometimes, hot tempered. Who is this in your environment today?

This is a good person to have on your side, because they get things done. Get to know them long enough to see if the fiery energy they exudes can be controlled into constructive channels. Then enjoy the fireworks!

May 13 – Wednesday

Queen of Diamonds

The Queen of Diamonds is practical, dependable, and good with finances. Before you trust her with your assets, assess her capacity for greed, and if it is within bounds, learn from her financial wizardry.

This card announces an increase in money and assets for you in the near future!

May 14 – Thursday

King of Hearts

The King of Hearts is diplomatic, patient, and a good listener. He is a natural counselor or healer. Assess whether or not he is loyal and expressing the highest energy of this card.

If so, trust him with your feelings and deepest thoughts. He will keep your confidences and do what he has promised.

May 15 – Friday

Queen of Clubs

This woman is energetic and fiery. She will loyally fight for you if she likes you. When expressing the best qualities of this card, she has a noble mind-set and sees the “big picture” in a human situation. You can trust her. She’s willing to take action to help you today.

May 16 – Saturday

Jolly Joker

This card corresponds with the Tarot trump, The Fool. It’s a card that says new adventures are on the horizon for you today.  Don’t be afraid to branch out and try something new because it will be fun. A fresh breath of life energy is flooding your energy field. You will feel it within you and see it reflected in your environment!

A Fun Spread to Try: The Good, Better, Best Spread

A woman called to ask: “I have been dating quite a bit lately. In fact, I’m very active on a dating site right now. But, I’m getting confused. I have one or two dates with a person, and then I get called by another one who sounds so perfect for me in a different way. How can I tell which is “the one” for me without wasting tons of time, energy, and emotion on the “less right” ones?”

The Good, Better, Best spread is the perfect spread to answer this question. It is a six card spread which identifies three lovers who are not good for this particular person. We can eliminate them as possibilities. This narrows the remaining cards to three, which will reveal the descriptions of those who are “good, better, and best” for her. The winner of the Best category is the soul mate she is meant to be with in this lifetime!

Shuffle a deck of playing cards thoroughly and place them face down on the table. Concentrate on the lovers you wish to find out about, visualizing each one clearly for a few moments. Then, select six cards randomly from the deck and place them in a horizontal line, left to right, face down on the table.

Say the name of the first person in your mind and turn over card one. Say the name of the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth person and while saying their names, turn each card over individually, so that you have a straight line of cards face up.

Read the nature of the card. What suit is it? Is it a court card or a high or low numbered card? What does it suggest to you about the person it represents?


Card 1- Jack of Diamonds

He’s very competitive and desperate to succeed. He would put his job before you in the relationship. He will be successful, though, and hard working.

Card 2- Jack of Hearts

He’s a true blue kind of person. He really wants to love and be loved. His vulnerability makes him attractive. He has an open heart, and won’t be at the very top of the wealth scale, but you won’t care.

Card 3- Joker

She’s fun and charming but a game player. She’s kind of a chameleon, all that’s nice about that, and all that isn’t. You never know what you are going to get here. She’s always fun to be around, though.

Card 4- Ace of Clubs

He’s definitely an action person. He’s very inspiring and energetic. You would never be bored with him. If he realizes his potential you will be with him on top of the world.

Card 5- King of Diamonds

This person has a lot of money and also equates money with power. He uses his money to leverage within relationships to keep power and dominance. Proceed with caution!

Card 6- Seven of Spades

This person is a clever thinker and talker but is locked inside his head. He rationalizes everything and has trouble with emotional expression. He will tend to over-categorize people, even you.

So, having unpacked the possibilities for this caller, she decides that the persons represented by cards 6, 5, and 3 are not really worth her investment of time and emotion for long-term.


Card 1 wins the “Good” category.

Card 4 wins the “Better” category.

Card 2 wins the “Best” category!

How would you decide the outcome?

Thanks for joining me today! Bright Blessings coming your way!

Tarot card readings give you a deeper connection to Spirit. This means you’ll get the unadulterated insights you need about your past, present, and future, but only if you read with a tarot card psychic.

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