This Week in Mantras: May 6 – 12

The Power of Mantras

Welcome to This Week in Mantras. It’s a new series we’re sharing this month. Every Saturday you’ll get a mantra for the next seven days. If you like it, please let us know in the comments and we’ll keep it going!

Wondering what the future has in store for you? Speak to a life path psychic today and find out!

May 6 Mantra (Effort): “With optimism, faith, and effort, I overcome my challenges.”

You may find that you’re feeling stuck right now and almost like all hope is gone. Well, this mantra is here to remind you that you have the strength to overcome anything that’s blocking your dreams. But you have to plan, prioritize and act with tenacity. Don’t let others dissuade you from your goals, don’t look for quick fixes, and don’t go for shortcuts. Instead, put strong determined effort into what you want to accomplish. The universe will reward your efforts by moving your dreams closer to reality for you.

May 7 Mantra (Spiritual Connection): “I serve the greater good and am given all that I need.”

If you’re looking for a way to feel great and raise the vibration of those around you, now is the time. Give to those less fortunate than yourself. Volunteer at a child’s nursery, hospital or food pantry—something to help out the community. It is said that what you give is what you get in this world. So give to others and it will return to you. By serving your community you will find that your own abundance grows.

May 8 Mantra (Abundance): “I always have what I need because the Universe has unlimited resources.”

Right now there is a need to change your mindset from scarcity to abundance. The Divine has an unending supply of wealth, love, abundance and wisdom. When you live with a greedy, competitive mindset it actually works to block the positive flow of prosperity due to you. So work with the Law of Cause and Effect at this time.

May 9 Mantra (Completion): “I clear past pain from the challenges of my life and open myself to a happy, harmonious life.”

You will find that once you fully embrace the lesson that life is trying to teach you right now, you will never have to repeat that same lesson again in your life. You have come to the end of one cycle and are getting ready to start the next with a clean slate to begin anew.

May 10 Mantra (Surrender): “I surrender to the Universe and know I will receive the best possible blessings.”

You should let go of a perceived outcome or a stuck situation. By desperately trying to force an outcome in a situation, you actually block what you are trying to attract. So let go and let the Universe send the true blessings you desire. This is the time to set your intentions. So be clear about them and trust that the Universe will bring them to you. Just believe in yourself.

May 11 Mantra (Manifestation): “My dreams will come true because my thoughts align with my higher good.”

You have come to a strong current of positive flow that will help you make your dreams come true. Be sure to clarify your thoughts on what your needs truly are and what your wants truly are when working with the Law of Attraction. You need to meet the Universe halfway, but your work towards your higher good is going to pay off at this time.

May 12 Mantra (Beginnings): “I trust the new opportunities that present themselves at this time are in my best interest.”

It’s time to step into the unknown, let go of the fear and try something new. It’s time to set your intentions and put them into motion. With this being the time of new starts, make your list of intentions, and write down other affirmations to follow as you work towards your dreams. Be sure you put your affirmations on your phone, so you see them every time you look at your phone. Repeat them three times, each time you read them. Go forward and make a new start.

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72 thoughts on “This Week in Mantras: May 6 – 12

    1. Denisha

      Rajesh Pithadia,
      I hope you got the Mantras for the week. I am glad that you like them.

      Have a blessed day, Denisha ext. 6038

    1. Denisha

      Peter kassis,
      Thank you for letting me know that you like them.
      Have a blessed day, Denisha

    1. Denisha

      Jessica Falla,
      I am happy that you feel better. Keep up the practice. I hope it helps you manifest your dreams.

      Have a blessed day, Denisha. Ext 6038

    1. Denisha

      I am so happy that you had a great week after getting the Mantras. I hope you find that each week brings you more positive energy.

      Have a blessed day, Denisha. Ext 6038

    1. Denisha

      Abdullahi Utono,
      I am glad that you think they are timely. I hope you continue to enjoy them.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha

      I hope you will continue to enjoy that Mantras.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha

      Thank you for liking the new Mantra blog. I hope you will continue to enjoy them.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha

      Thank you for the encouraging words. Love is always encouraging.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha

      I am happy that you like them. I hope they serve you well.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha

      I am so happy that you found them to be a great idea and that you love them. I look forward to writing more of them.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

  1. Gloria Lee

    Hi Ms. Denisha thank you for helping me to see which direction to take. Please continue to write me i would love to here from you thanks again Gloria

    1. Denisha #6038

      Gloria Lee, I am happy that you were able to use the Mantra and they helped you. Watch for the next week’s Mantras.

      Have a blessed day, Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha #6038

      I am happy that you enjoy the Mantras. Watch for next weeks Mantras.

      Have a blessed day, Denisha #6038

  2. Quinn ext.5484Psychic -quinn

    Hi Denisha,
    Love the positive vibrations from your article. May you continue to share your insights and wisdom with all our CP fans.

    Buddha Bless,

    1. Denisha #6038

      Thank you! I am happy you like them. I have been enjoying your Tarot insights each week. I read them each day, and they are so spot on.

      Have a blessed day, Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha #6038

      Dick Olszewski,
      Thank you! I hope you will continue to enjoy them and they help you.

      Have a blessed day, Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha #6038

      Denise Fritch,
      I am so happy that you enjoyed the Mantras. Watch for next weeks Mantras, I hope you enjoy them too.

      Have a blessed day, Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha #6038

      Rajesh c Pithadia,
      I am happy that you like them and they give inner strength.

      Have a blessed day.
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha #6038

      Thank you for letting me know you liked them. I look forward to writing more positive Mantras for in the future.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha #6038

      Hong Thanh Do,
      I am very pleased that you found them useful. I will be writing more positive Mantras in the future.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha #6038

      There will move of the positive Mantras in the future. I am happy that you were able to enjoy these.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha #6038

      dipesh Malhotra,
      I am happy that you think they are a great addition. Thank you for the Thumbs up too.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha #6038

      Thank you, keep watching for more positive Mantras in the future.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha #6038

      Thank you for liking the Mantras. I am always looking for a way to raise the vibrational energy of others.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha #6038

      Thank you for liking the Mantras. I always try to write in a positive tone, I want to raise the vibrational energy of the world.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

  3. Shanaique

    I look forward to reading my daily horoscope, weekly and weekend. The last two years have been very difficult. This site has helped me so much. Thank you. Affirmations are so important in life.. But, not not spoken enough. Thank you for this special weekly reading.

    1. Denisha #6038

      Thank you for liking the Mantras. I hope you enjoy the Mantras that will come forward in the future.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha #6038

      I am glad that you enjoyed reading this week’s Mantras. I hope you continue to enjoy them.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha #6038

      Isn’t it interesting that there are no coincidences in the world? I am glad that you got the Mantras when you needed them.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

  4. Teresa

    I love the mantras! I will work with each one even if it’s not on the correct day because they all apply to my life. Keep them coming!

    1. Denisha #6038

      Thank you for liking the Mantras. If one really rings true for you, copy it to your phone and make it your lock screen picture. Then you can repeat it to yourself every time you open your phone. So the positive vibration stays with you the rest of the day.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha #6038

      Janet Jones,
      I am happy you enjoy them. Watch for some new Mantras next week.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

  5. BL

    I appreciate fresh new perspectives. It gives me confirmation that I’m moving in the right direction. Keep them coming… I love it!

    1. Denisha #6038

      I am happy that I could help give you confirmations in your life. 🙂

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

  6. Anitra

    I think it is a great ideal. I was just thinking to myself earlier today that i was feeling stuck. Thank you for helping me guide my thoughts toward more positive.

    1. Denisha #6038

      I am happy that you were able to move your thoughts to a more positive train of thoughts. I am glad you enjoy the Mantras.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha #6038

      You are very welcome. Thank you for liking them.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha #6038

      Jagannath Prasad Saha,
      Thank you for liking the Mantras.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha #6038

      Thank you for liking the Mantras. I hope you enjoyed them.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

    1. Denisha #6038

      Thank you for enjoying the Mantras.

      Have a blessed day!
      Denisha #6038

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