Aromatherapy 101

Of our five senses -- sight, sound, touch, taste and smell -- the latter is perhaps the most elusive and mysterious. The power and effect of smell is generally given little attention, yet entire industries ... read more

Alternative Measures

If you're like most people, you want to be healthy in mind, body and spirit. This is the ideal of a New Age lifestyle: balance. Where there is yin, there is yang, where there is hot there is cold and so ... read more

Feeling Feverish?

It's little over a month into spring, and many of us are feeling it. The days are longer, brighter and more inviting. Tasks that were imperative a few months ago are suddenly tedious... read more

Gardening For The Soul

What better way to celebrate good weather than by taking on a little gardening project? Remember the delight you felt as a child the first time you saw a seed germinate? In the midst of our crowded lives, ... read more
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