Mantras for Meditation: June 23 – 29

Mantras for Meditation: June 23 - 29

The Power of Mantras

Welcome to the final week of June and the first full week of summer! It’s hard to believe this warm and welcoming season is upon us already. This is also the final full week before the midpoint of 2018. In another few days, there will be as many days remaining in this year as there have been already spent. It’s the great balancing point of the year!

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This week’s mantras for meditation explore life seen through the power of goddesses—those powerful and awe-inspiring female entities whose legends have inspired every form of worship, praise, and art ever imagined by mere mortals. In future writings, we will also give the boys their due and pursue various gods and what those archetypes can do for our directions.

As I meditated, I asked my guides to introduce these female powers to me so I can pass their messages on to you, dear ones. The meditation was enlightening and very powerful! And so it will be for this week’s mantras for meditation.

June 23
“Courage is not the absence of fear. It’s the act of being afraid and proceeding anyway. Today I will embrace and enhance my courage.”

As I meditated, the first archetype known as Persephone appeared. The ancient Greeks knew her as the daughter of Demeter, the goddess of harvest and sacred laws too. Our young goddess, Persephone, was taken by the lord of the underworld, Hades. She represents our ability to withstand the darker moments of our life journey. She also offers the courage to withstand uncomfortable wisdoms—those moments when you know it’s not going to be easy.

June 24
“Everything begins with a thought. Today I will make my thoughts positive and free!”

Psyche was the goddess who next appeared to me and it’s her image that represents this day. In Greek legends, she was a mortal woman whose beauty angered Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. As a result, Psyche was pledged to marry a horrible monster. However, during the wedding night, she discovers that the monster is really Eros the god of love. Eros abandons Psyche and she spends many years trying to find him. Finally, she asked Eros’ mother, Aphrodite, to help her. After being given four seemingly impossible tasks, she emerges as the powerful Psyche, goddess of the soul. She and Eros reunite and their daughter, Hedone, becomes the goddess of pleasure. When the soul encounters love, pleasure is often the result of the union.

June 25
“I trust my abilities and my destiny. I will look beyond the immediate and aim for the horizon.”

The Norse goddess, Hel, came to me for today’s mantras for meditation. She is here to remind you that not everything is as it may initially appear. She also rules the Otherworld. Unlike the “hell” of other religions, the Otherworld in Norse mythology is a sacred and hidden place. When the Norse shaman visit this realm in a trance, they wear a helkappe, which is a mask or helmet that makes them invisible. It is a reminder that what we may perceive is not necessarily what is really going on around us.

June 26
“I will not be troubled with money. Such things can disappear in the blink of an eye. The real wealth is within me.”

The next goddess to arrive this week is Athena, according to your mantras for meditation. She’s the virgin goddess of war, wisdom, and growing food too. These attributes are more connected than what you may imagine. It was Athena who helped Prometheus steal fire from the heavens and give it to mortals on Earth. She is also a patron of all useful arts. Athena is a powerful affirmation that there is certainly nothing that can stand in the path of a wise and capable woman.

June 27
“I’m a part of Nature. In my blood and bones is the stuff of legend and the makings of stars!”

The goddess, Diana, is speaking today. She is known by the ancient Romans as Lucina, goddess of light. The Greeks revered her as the goddess of the Moon and the mistress of wild things too, including the wildness in your heart. Therefore, let this day reconnect you to your natural self. Be wild and be free!

June 28
“My life journey has much to say to the world and I rejoice in each added day!”

Hera is guiding the mantra for this day, according to your mantras for meditation. She is also the original multifunctional Greek goddess. She is a mature and powerful spirit who reminds us of the capability we have to learn as we grow older. We can also support other women as they move through the phases of their lives while we continue to evolve on our own path.

June 29
“It’s time for me to remember joy. Today I will find reasons and ways to rejoice in my life.”

The Roman goddess of joy presents herself to you today. Felicitas is the personification of happiness and beauty. Therefore, allow yourself some time today to simply be silly. Dance. Get outside. Fly a kite. Laugh with a child. Remember summer’s gifts and immerse yourself in a moment that will become a cherished memory too. The very best moments certainly cannot be bought with money and they can only be appreciated by those who live in the present.

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One thought on “Mantras for Meditation: June 23 – 29

  1. Sara emily

    I have read a few times with California Psychics in the past year and I have been helped with true compassion, insight and strength.
    I thank especially 1) Persephone for her needed candor and guidance in which I took her advice in which I became stronger as a woman to fight for my rights and be heard and understood, 2) for Kim with her kindness and understanding over my emotional housecleaning and my remembering my self worth against others who had been lucky to have known me in my life in which they need me and I didn’t need them that point Kim was very clear on.3) Tyler for reminding me to keep dreaming Big and make myself a Voice to stand up and out to help others as well in need such as me and my life experiences.4) Harmony for one of the truest and toughest and bravest readings that I have heard that I won’t ever forget her seeing my past background behind the scenes of my life and told me the facts of my plight in life and reassured me not to worry about the bad because the bad get bad karma and good karma gets good. I really enjoyed my reading with her alot!
    Thank you all for the spiritual wisdom and strength.

    Regards, & Love,

    Sara emily


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