Your Numerology Forecast: Keep a Clear Head

The incisive intelligence of this 7 Universal Month should help you keep a clear head in spite of the building confusion which precedes the start of Mercury retrograde on Saturday.

Early in the week you may find yourself with your feet on both the breaks and the accelerator, since the week opens with the quieter astrological energies of a “dark” Moon, but Monday’s numerology is all about get-up-and-go. The New Moon in dynamic Aries early on Wednesday revs up the work week, while numerology and astrology combine on Sunday to create a powerful opportunity for deep, spiritual thinking and galactic mind travel.

Monday – The typical tighten-your-seat-belt-and-hit-the-gas energies of this 1 Universal Day are dampened somewhat by the waning lunar influence, which encourages meditation and introspection. To blend these influences, meditate on what you’d like to start when Mercury returns to forward motion on May 11.

Tuesday – The reflective, visionary vibrations of this 11/2 (1+1=2) Universal Day are right at home with the deep quiet of the Dark Moon. If you have clear skies tonight, take advantage of the absence of lunar light to indulge in some stargazing, and let your mind and heart take flight.

Wednesday – The sparkling, gregarious influence of 3 rules today, as we greet the New Moon in Aries. Aries wants to charge forward, but the increasing pressure of the upcoming topsy-turvy Mercury retrograde requires caution and careful planning.

Thursday – Practical, grounded 4 is today’s Universal energy, but with a twist. The date adds up to Karma Number 13/4, which inspires you to build a vehicle for transformation instead of a monument to history.

Friday – Out-of-the-box 5, on this day before Mercury begins its retrograde, will help you laugh off any messes and confusion and find surprising solutions to snafus that would normally leave you (and your coworkers) stumped.

Saturday – Setting the tone for this 6 Universal Day is a lovely connection between Venus (love and beauty) and Jupiter (luck and opportunity). Delight in relationships with family and friends, since you might as well put off anything requiring organization, accuracy and clear communication, as Mercury reverses direction today.

Sunday – The profound insights possible on this 7 Universal Day combine with a deeply spiritual and visionary connection between the Sun and Neptune, creating a doorway in your mind and psyche for futuristic and humanitarian dreams.

The numerology in these weekly forecasts is Universal rather than Personal. It describes trends and energies which affect everyone. To learn how to calculate your Personal year, month and day, scroll to the bottom of this earlier forecast. Universal forecasts are a great help in business and day-to-day planning, while your Personal numerology affects you as an individual. Your best bet is to use both and watch for challenging or favorable connections between the two.

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