Your LOVECAST™: Love Gets Daring!

Love gets daring over the weekend! See how it will influence your sign.

Week of February 9 – 15, 2008

Aquarius: Your words can enlighten or wound on Saturday. Romance and travel go together on Sunday. Hidden feelings derail clear thinking on Monday. Love needs a practical response Tuesday. Silence your mind and release your sensuality on Wednesday! Flirting can bring a surprising result on Thursday, when romance is divine. Freedom or unpredictability can derail love on Friday.


Pisces: Your quiet charisma attracts notice on Saturday. Your mysticism and insights inspire romance on Sunday! Watch spending on Monday. Get real (grounded) about your partnership on Tuesday. Romance soars on Wednesday, but you’ll need to be clear about your desires. Talk about your home and family aspirations on Thursday. You’re capricious (and intuitive) on Friday.

Aries: Saturday night is intense – try to avoid pushiness and power plays. Feelings are energized on Sunday! Love feels blocked on Monday. Talk about commitment and money on Tuesday. Love needs a truthful, grounded approach on Wednesday. Your words are empowered on Thursday, so share your ideas. A startling (impractical?) idea comes to you on Friday.


Taurus: A friend may be troublesome on Saturday. Hidden, untamed desires demand to be acknowledged on Sunday! Monday is abrasive. Your sensuality inspires a heated rendezvous between the sheets on Tuesday or Wednesday. An unusual money opportunity or solution may present itself on Thursday. An unexpected expense may arise on Friday so watch hastiness in financial decisions.


Gemini: Socializing gets wild on Saturday night! Emotions (and psychic sensitivity) run high on Sunday. Watch overblown talk on Monday. Talking about the past brings insights on Tuesday. Instincts take over on Wednesday, so get physical! Your brilliance attracts romance on Thursday, so share your insights. Your charisma (and restlessness) soar on Friday, when feelings are unpredictable.


Cancer: Small irritations can erupt on Saturday. Love needs assertiveness and adventure on Sunday. Feelings are chaotic on Monday. A friend assists you on Tuesday. Socializing brings joy on Wednesday, but be clear about what you want to do. Soul-searching about your past can bring a surprising insight. Your wild side and need for freedom emerge on Friday.


Leo: A disruption in your routine can bring a spontaneous tryst on Saturday. An exotic locale inspires love on Sunday. Emotions run high at work on Monday. Networking with colleagues is favored on Tuesday. Seek clarity to avoid a misunderstanding on Wednesday. A spontaneous or unusual rendezvous with friends can bring a romantic interlude (or other interesting opportunity) on Thursday or Friday.


Virgo: Passion escalates on Saturday, but is accompanied by complications. Your inhibitions disappear on Sunday! Stay grounded amid the emotionalism on Monday. Review your goals on Tuesday. Seek the bigger picture of your relationship ideals on Wednesday. Reveal your bright idea on Thursday. Work (and maybe love, too) takes an unexpected turn on Friday.


Libra: Naughtiness comes with a price (jealousy? clash of wills?) on Saturday. Love is carefree on Sunday! Passion and common sense collide on Monday. Share the real you during an intimate tryst on Tuesday. On the other hand, a sexy fantasy can heighten lust on Wednesday! A spiritual gathering or group activity that assists others can bring romance on Thursday or Friday.


Scorpio: A dreamy meeting turns lusty on Saturday! Discuss future possibilities with your sweetie on Sunday. Hasty words can disrupt work on Monday. Share your long-term vision of your relationship on Tuesday. Oversensitivity or a misunderstanding can unhinge your partnership on Wednesday. Talk about your sexual needs on Thursday. Intimacy brings a surprise on Friday.


Sagittarius: You’re unusually demanding (in the bedroom?) on Saturday. You need freedom on Sunday. Romance may throw you a curveball on Monday. Seek a practical solution at work on Tuesday. A misunderstanding with a coworker is likely on Wednesday. Relationship discussions with your partner or friends bring a startling revelation on Thursday or Friday.


Capricorn: Impulsiveness collides with caution on Saturday. Love needs a dose of daring on Sunday, so express yourself! You may feel off center on Monday. Romance is earthy on Tuesday. Create a dreamy, sensual bedroom ambiance to heighten passion on Wednesday! Networking can bring an opportunity on Thursday, but don’t do anything rash at work on Friday.

What do the stars hold for your love life? Talk to a psychic to find out more. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

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