Your Soulmate Horoscope for 2014

soulmate horoscope

Will You Meet Your Soulmate in 2014?

In astrology there are general themes and specific effects. In other words, while we’re each impacted differently by influences, there are big-picture forces at work at all times in every arena, including matters of the heart. What is the overall romantic forecast like for the coming year? Will you meet your soulmate in 2014 or will the search continue? Read your Soulmate Horoscope to find out!

Beginning with Venus moving retrograde through Capricorn, 2014 asks us to take love as seriously as we would a business proposition. That means assessing our relationships and approaching them practically from a grounded and intellectual perspective. Remove the emotional sensitivity for just a moment and ask yourself what’s working and what’s not? How can you change that going forward?

Keep in mind that this may not mean instant progress. Venus is in retrograde until March 4, indicating that part of this process involves dealing with past relationships. You’ll need to face your past in order to let it go—or claim it once and for all.

Are you ready to let go of a past love? Psychic Kinsey ext. 5135 can help you move forward. 

Once this shift occurs, matters of the heart remain in the backseat until the Lunar Eclipse on April 15. And once again, it’s all about honest assessment. Perhaps you’ve met someone new in the past six weeks or been experiencing shifts in a pre-existing relationship. Whatever the case, you’ll be able to see how things are shaping up around this time and make another decision as to whether or not to proceed. If you choose to continue along (or even if you don’t) the stars will next encourage you to acknowledge your desires openly. Communication from the start is key to relationship success if you want to avoid a finish!

Learn to communicate better with your partner. Psychic Nicholas ext. 5499 can help!

Finally, as we head into fall, the romantic vibes take on an exciting turn, courtesy of a Uranus, Pluto and Moon alignment that rewards risk. Don’t be afraid to go after what you want—whether in a relationship or flying solo. The cosmic odds are good that you’ll get it!

Be sure to call one of our astrologers and get a personal, detailed soulmate reading. They’ll get you on the right path to love in 2014!

27 thoughts on “Your Soulmate Horoscope for 2014


    My date of birth is November 20, 1972, time between 06:30 to 07:00 AM at Village – Jhagaraha, District – Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. I want a best love. When I will marry ?

  2. Ivy x5198

    Great article! Thank you so much:) I have always found that like attracts like. I know everyone says it, but it rings true. Be what you want and with a little support from readings you can bring your soulmate that much quicker:) THANKS and HUGS!!

  3. Missing

    Well, I am not going to look for a soul mate in 2014 because, I just seem to pick the wrong ones, it scares me to death!! I am however going to rid myself of the verbal abusive man I am married to now!!!
    I am so tired of all the negativity from him, I am a positive person and I want to enjoy the rest of my life!! I am 72, still healthy, work part time for now and do not look my age! I love all the holidays!! Him on the other hand, don’t like anything or anyone…
    So, I am looking forward to a Happier New Year for me & my uncle who I care for,that lives with me!!

  4. RoseMary

    Well every year around this time of the year (over 15yrs+ now) I have been told I will meet my soulmate? I am still waiting and nothing yet. Not getting younger and time is moving. Don’t know what to believe anymore. Hate to say, but that why I don’t get reading anymore.

  5. mary

    I also would like to find love or just a great friend to talk to and have fun with. I am 65 and my young adults are all grown up now. Will I find a great friend or the love of my life.

  6. Anne

    I’m confused as to what I should do. I’m in love with two people. Yes it is possible. Help me make the right choice. Will I be making a new home in another state as well. Help me, I’m in need of some changes but not sure what to do. Will I also be financially ok I’m the coming new year. It’s been a rough 7 years.

    Than you

  7. Merlyn

    how will i know if this person now i fell in love with is my soulmate, been longing to see my soulmate…is someone will propose a marriage this 2014? what life awaits for me in 2014

  8. Wendallyn

    Hi I really want to knw if im going to find love for 2014 and a good job im tired of being lonely and sitting home I have put in apps but no luck yet im ready to be married I have for beautiful kids dat want me to be happy please give me some advice I need it

  9. Jaspal Bhamra

    I really want to know about my life. Is life going to get better. Am I going to get married, have kids, be happy etc. Want to know if I am going to get happiness in 2014 as the last 5 years have been so bad. And this year was the worst with a Big Bang

  10. Danita

    I won’t to no should I continue to won’t the man I long for or , on his not communicating like he use his been off an own in me for a year I need help!

  11. eileen

    please help i just want to know if me and my ex boyfriend are going to get back together i cant get my free reading as i live in scotland and cant phone

  12. Jean MacDonald

    My ex left me 2 and a half years ago after 42 years of Marriage and 4 adult Children! Myself and my children were devistated! As you must know! He has a woman much younger he is 66 and she is 58. I am wondering if I should go out and try to find a new love! I still love him but hate him so much for what he did and Zi also hate her too! I would lime to know if I go forward which is what ai am doing now! My children don’t want me to take him back! Give me done advice! I know he would like to be able to be in touch with me and still have her! I do t think that is right! And I think what goes around cones around and he is going to get bit! My Grandaughter said he visited them in Maine and took her too and she said all they did was argue! And she was bossy to him she said! Jean

  13. Vj

    I recently got married, but still find myself wondering if I made the right decision. I have trust issues with him, but I love him more than anything. Did I make the right decision this time around?

  14. wakie

    I really need to know If my girlfriend is cheating on me.we supose to get married and am making a big decision in my life.I just want to make the right one for once in my life.please help me

  15. sharmin

    i am too much in love as like his property . i dont mind whatever he is doing . I am committed to myself to sacrifice my everything if i get him .

  16. David Sullivan

    Okay, I’m taking a wild gander here, but since I’ve never been in any kind of relationship (not to mention that I’m 43 years old–wow, big revelation), would it be fair to ask if I might have a shot of being with someone even at my late date…? I really hate shouting out like this, but it’s not so much I’m lonely, but I’d to see if the winds blow in the proper direction, so to say. So, I’m just asking, and if someone can give me a proper answer, I’d appreciate it. Otherwise, take care and be well.


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