Numerology of 2

Numerology of 2 | California Psychics

The Influence of Numerology

Numerology is the study of numbers and how they represent the powerful universal principles that influence our lives. Numerology is very effective in helping us understand ourselves and others by the numbers assigned to letters in names and numbers in birthdays. It can also help us live better lives by understanding our life paths.

Wondering about your life path numbers? Talk to a Numerology Psychic today!

Why 2 is Important in Numerology

2 is a powerful number. It represents the moon and the principles of balance, of contrast, and of opposite. While the moon rules Cancer, number 2 is very much Libran in nature, for Libra is represented by the scales of balance. 2s can be very loving, giving, sensitive, intuitive, gentle, kind, and nurturing. They love to be in relationships of all kinds. They strive to create a sense of unity, harmony, and peace with everyone they know and in everything they do. On the shadow side, 2s can struggle with being too fearful, timid, lazy, indecisive, and sometimes argumentative. They can be very scared to be alone and may find themselves overly dependent on others. They may find it difficult to stand up for themselves, however, a 2 can make great strides in healing themselves. They can make it all better by borrowing from the 1 life path and giving themselves plenty of self-nurturing, self-approval, and self-love.

The Influence of 2

To see where 2 might influence your life, look for it in your day of birth, your life path, or the numbers added up using the letters in your name. If it is not there, not to worry. It may also be in your numerology chart which is a complex study of all of the numbers that reveal your mind, soul, and energy. If 2 is missing entirely, it can mean that the qualities of balance, kindness, and unity are things to work on in this life. If you wish to go deeper, get your numerology chart made and see how much you will learn about yourself and your life purpose.

2 in Tarot

To find the Tarot cards that represent your 2 birthday or life path, look first to the Major Arcana cards of Justice, which is the eleventh card, and the High Priestess, the second card. (Not everyone reduces 11 to 2 in numerology, for 11 is considered a Master Number, but it is sometimes done, as we have done here.) These cards combined mean that you are very good at reading a room and seeing the truth beyond all of the smoke and mirrors. You are always seeking honesty and justice, but you aren’t afraid to break rules when you need to. You trust your gut and intuition when challenges arise, and have little difficulty making decisions.

If your day of birth is 20 or your life path is 20, which becomes 2+0 = 2, then your card is Judgement (20), combined with the High Priestess (2) again. You may not always feel like you belong in this plane of existence with this particular combination. Your consciousness sometimes floats between this world and the next, giving you the ability to communicate with deceased loved ones and Spirit Guides. Your intuition is immense, so don’t be afraid to trust yourself.

The definitions above apply in a lesser degree to the minor arcana (2 of Vessels, 2 of Staffs, 2 of Swords, and 2 of Coins.) Although only the Major Arcana are used to define birthdays/life paths, while the minor arcana address more the “flavor” of things in the 2 vibration.

Here’s a brief description of these suits and their elements. Vessels represent Water: Emotion, feelings, and matters of romance. Staffs represent Fire: Creativity, lifeforce, growth. Swords represent Air: Thoughts, reasoning, intellect. Coins represent Earth: Physical realm, money, work.

The Influence of 2 Over Life

As mentioned earlier, 2 represents the principles of balance, contrast, and opposite. It is extremely prevalent throughout our daily lives and illustrates the dichotomy in which we all live. Here are some examples of how 2 shows up in our lives through choices, options, or ideas:

  • True or False
  • Yes or No
  • Right or Wrong
  • Love or Hate
  • Give or Take
  • Win or Lose
  • Good or Bad
  • Happy or Sad
  • Left or Right
  • Stop or Go
  • Light or Dark
  • Heaven or Hell
  • Life or Death

Famous 2s

A few famous folks who share an 11/2 Life Path Number are Jennifer Lopez, Barack Obama, Amelia Earhart, Madonna, Michael Jordan, Tony Blair, Terri Irwin, and Bob Hope.

2 and Relationships

2s are the diplomats, the team players, and the folks who tend to be cooperative. They are all about companionship, friendship, and co-existence. A 2 makes a great husband or wife, for they love being together in everything. They are the peacemakers and do all they can to create serenity, harmony, and unity in relationships. They are intuitive, kind, nurturing, and have gifts of healing. If you have 2 in your numerology or know someone who does, you are fortunate to have and share these very special qualities.

You have a life purpose. Wondering what you’re meant to do? You won’t know until you get a life path reading with one of our talented life path psychics. A life path psychic can help you find what you love so you can love what you do.

Find a life path psychic or learn more about a life path reading.

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One thought on “Numerology of 2

  1. Tracey

    The numerology was very interesting to read .. my birthday 02/02 I could very much relate to what was written … Thank love and light


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