Fall Equinox Horoscope: Finding Equilibrium

See the Person You Want to Be

September 22 brings the Fall Equinox, the yearly event when day and night are equal, bringing the fall season. This sets the astrological tone for the next three months. The equinox is special this year in that “equal” is the keyword. It’s as if you’re finding your equilibrium after nearly a year of upsets and readjusting your lifestyle.

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But it wasn’t all challenges. You’ve had a lot of romantic, magical experiences, but it’s also been difficult to find your place in the midst of all of it. It’s been fun (mostly), but hard to find your direction. This period offers the opportunity to truly see the person you want to be in the environment/situation you want most. It’s time to move forward and make it all real. Each Sun sign will be focused on particular areas of life to make the most of the next several months following the Fall Equinox:


You are on fire during this period. But just like everyone else, you must find a balance between your own desires and the needs and values of others. Keep your ears open and really listen to what the people around you want. You’ll all be so much richer for this experience, in every sense.


Over the past month you’ve been exploring the depths of your creative efforts. You love crafting beauty to surround your family, friends, and romantic relationships. Once you’ve finished bringing your deepest self forward, work out the best deal for yourself in you career and your personal life. Your joyous contributions will be worth it to everyone.


You offer excellent healing advice during this period, whether it’s personal or strategic for business. You’ll have an urge to walk away from the problems of others, but if you take the time to hear them, it will lead to your own innovative ideas about what you might offer in business. Your creative energy and your intelligence will make you powerful during this time.


Your home life—the people who are your foundation and security—are your inspiration during this time. You give so much, and the people who love you are ready to be there for you, so let them in. This will feed your creative life and energize your work life with such kindness.


Your focus is on creative efforts over the next few months. You’ve had the demand to put your ideas and efforts into something real for about a year. Now it’s serious, and wonderfully builds your future if you apply what you’ve learned over the next one to one-and-a-half years. What’s great is that creative efforts are fun efforts. You’re ready to surprise everyone with what you’ve learned.


This eclipse tied your Sun sign to the Fall Equinox. You’ve opened the door to Libra’s cooperation, and for you it’s about clear communications truly bringing breakthroughs as you find peace and harmony. That’s your forte, and you’ll do well reaching across people’s fears. Happily, you now also have the confidence.


This period offers you opportunities to really expand your health and happiness—and those two parts of life go together. You’ll be breathing in new life, and your inner glow will make you even more attractive to others. You’re opening yourself to so many opportunities in life over the next year, and this is the perfect start.


You are inspired in the most fundamental ways. Your sexuality is a healthy part of your being and you’re enjoying learning to express who you are as a strong person connected to the Earth and to others. Find a creative outlet for these very connected feelings you’re having with the planet and the universe. It will be lucrative.


You’ve always believed in yourself and what you have to offer the world. Those uncomfortable, unsure feelings you’ve been having aren’t really about the true you. They are about you belief systems. Be flexible as the next few months offer new ideas. Try them and you’ll find your creativity and sense-of-self take amazing form.


Focus on your career through the fall season. You find great financial rewards if you emphasize the environment and human health, inspiring others with your ideas. If you see someone needing support, include them. They could provide serious inspiration to everything you want to accomplish.


You are ready to speak for everything that you love—your independence, your intelligence, and your ability to perform. You want to make monumental changes and it could be good for you financially. Of course, you have to be reasonable and have everyone’s best interests at heart. But these three months are the time to communicate.


This is the time to go deeply into your soul and express what you want for yourself and the world. You are in touch with that strange energy that surrounds us all and affects us. That’s why Pisceans are amazing artists. Move forward, when it seems right, to express what you’ve been incubating for some time.

One thought on “Fall Equinox Horoscope: Finding Equilibrium

  1. Sameerah G Sultan

    Loving the Weekend Horoscopes this is on point advice……Keep up the great work and positive vibrations of knowledge….Thanks


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