Your LOVECAST®: Analytical, Helpful or Critical

Your Love Horoscope

The midweek, First-Quarter Moon in Virgo can evoke your analytic, critical or helpful side in relationships. During the weekend, romance can get contentious on Saturday, but a sexy Venus-Pluto trine deepens interactions on Sunday. Just be mindful of retrograde Mercury (Saturday through the 30th), which can mess up communications. Best days for socializing: Monday, Tuesday evening and Sunday. Here’s your love horoscope!

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Aries Love Horoscope

Romance escalates at the beginning of the week and on Sunday. Criticism can upset love midweek, but some analysis about your love life will bring a valuable insight. Work will be energized as well. Be especially clear in your communications with family during retrograde Mercury. A conflict with your partner or a close friend may arise on Saturday.

Taurus Love Horoscope

A homey date with your sweetie will bring delight on Monday or Tuesday evening. Romance can get intense midweek, heightening your motivation to launch, deepen or fix a relationship. You may need to repeat your ideas to get them across during retrograde Mercury. You’ll be a magnet for admirers on Sunday, a great time for a tryst!

Get a psychic love reading with Phoebe ext. 5231 and have all of your relationship questions answered!

Gemini Love Horoscope

A romantic getaway or heartfelt message can inspire romance at the start of the week. Hosting a party at your home will energize you midweek. Retrograde Mercury can mess with communications about money. During the weekend, romance will be unpredictable on Saturday, but an attraction can escalate while socializing on Friday or Sunday.

Cancer Love Horoscope

The urge to verbalize your feelings and ideas will be strong this week, so be prepared to speak up. Also, retrograde Mercury will prompt some analysis about how you communicate with others. Friday or Sunday is an excellent time to have friends (or just your sweetie!) over for dinner. Emotional interactions will be intense on Saturday.

Psychic Pauline ext. 5777 can help you verbalize your feelings without getting too emotional. Call her and find out how!

Leo Love Horoscope

You’ll be irresistible on Monday and Tuesday evening. Money or priorities can be an issue in romance midweek. On the upside, focusing on your talents can bring a moneymaking opportunity. Retrograde Mercury encourages you to discuss an issue from the past to clear it up. Love can be found online or while traveling on Friday or Sunday.

Virgo Love Horoscope

The Quarter Moon in your sign can energize/motivate you to express your feelings, but you can get easily irritated as well, so stay centered. Retrograde Mercury encourages an analysis of how you communicate in social situations. A sexy tryst will bring delight on Sunday. If you’re solo, you may meet someone with an unusually strong bond with you.

Libra Love Horoscope

A group activity can bring a romantic encounter on Monday or Tuesday evening. The past will likely be on your mind toward the middle of the week. Is something left unresolved? Retrograde Mercury can mess with communications with your boss or a colleague. Your charm and wit make you irresistible on Friday and especially Sunday!

Scorpio Love Horoscope

Socializing will be highly energized, especially midweek, when networking can bring a personal or professional opportunity. You may find yourself analyzing your education or spiritual beliefs during retrograde Mercury. A peaceful environment can make love bloom on Friday. Controlling behavior may get you into trouble on Saturday, but love prevails on Sunday!

Sagittarius Love Horoscope

Your adventurous side draws admirers at the start of the week. The intense focus on your career midweek may bring an opportunity to advance your work. Social connections can help. A discussion about sex or emotional healing during retrograde Mercury will improve your love life. Romance can be found during a friendly gathering on Friday or Sunday.

Are you looking for an adventurous lover? Psychic Reed ext. 5105 can tell you where to find them!

Capricorn Love Horoscope

An intimate tryst can energize you at the beginning of the week. Your beliefs or knowledge may play a role in romance midweek. Love may come from afar. Communications with your partner or a close friend will get pulled into the past during retrograde Mercury. Taking the first step toward love will ignite romance on Sunday.

Aquarius Love Horoscope

A date with your sweetie will bring delight on Monday or Tuesday evening. An emotional issue that needs to be resolved will likely intensify midweek. A sexy rendezvous may be in the stars as well! Communications at work can backfire during retrograde Mercury, so seek clarity. An exotic ambiance will inspire romance on Friday or Sunday.

Pisces Love Horoscope

The Quarter Moon energizing your partnership sector will fire up the energy between you and your sweetie, which can be motivating or irritating, depending on what you’re dealing with in your relationship. Retrograde Mercury encourages an analysis about how you verbalize your need for love and affection. A group activity can bring romance on Sunday.

6 thoughts on “Your LOVECAST®: Analytical, Helpful or Critical

  1. Colleen

    I need some direction as to which guy to stick with. I’m involved in 2 relationships that both have different styles for me. I am content with one and torn by another. The first one is with a past friend that I was helping out in desperate times and grew into a relationship. The second one is an on-going relationship that just keeps getting sparked. I’ve always been in love with the second, but have doubts of being the only one for him.

    Can you tell me which direction to follow?

    Thanking you in advance.

  2. Iz

    I’m kinda lost with my sign.
    My bday is 12/25/64, and going by the traits of my sign, I don’t seem to fit.
    I’m far from watching my spending. I’m not a very cautious person.
    And so far from being organized. I procrastinate more then anyone, I know. etc..
    Any thoughts on how and why, this could be?
    Thank, for your help

  3. sue

    im have internet friend from diff culture ,diff religion .we went tru tis friendship for 2 years.we had chatting and always talking to each others no matter what.but he going to marry soon and he suddenly changes.He just kick me out of his life like nothing happen.i get hurt and how to resolve this.i ant accept whats going on and its really made me suck. what should i do.

  4. paleke

    can you tell me what going happin for in my new relationship can you tell if this take me to married…..thank you paleke

  5. robert

    i have an internet gal friend that wants to come visit but she need money help to get here from Africa..i meet her when she wasin the USA should i take the risk and help her


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