• inner peace

Time Out For You

You devote so much to your friends, family and career that you might have lost sight of the most important person in your life: you. Here are our top tips for setting aside some important alone time to ... read more

Mid-Month Meditation

When was the last time you did something purely for your own pleasure? When was the last time that you were deliciously, happily and healthily self-indulgent? If you can't even remember the last time you ... read more

7 Essential Life Lessons

Living your life well is living with purpose and joy. Not there yet? There are seven big ways to waste and deplete your energies without even noticing. If you're feeling dark, down and drained it'll ... read more

Gardening For The Soul

What better way to celebrate good weather than by taking on a little gardening project? Remember the delight you felt as a child the first time you saw a seed germinate? In the midst of our crowded lives, ... read more

Inner Peace is Spreading

An anonymous Internet post today warns us all to watch for signs of peace... the inner kind! It seems that the idea - and the feeling - are catching on. As part of that spirit, we thought we'd share some ... read more
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