Psychic Kallista

Psychic Kallista

What To Expect

Kallistawas gifted from birth with clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience, is a compassionate, nonjudgmental, empathic, and accurate intuitive reader. She uses the wisdom of the Tarot and Numerology and 20 years of experience to guide you in empowering all areas of your life, including relationships, career, and life path questions. In addition to having done segments as a featured psychic on radio, she teaches Tarot and psychic development classes. Kallista has a loyal clientele, including several celebrities, and is considered a "psychic's psychic." She believes that when you know the truth, you can make the best decisions.

What is Shadow Work?

What is Shadow Work? | California Psychics
We All Have a Shadow Everyone has a dark side or shadow self. The shadow self is made of the parts of your personality that you have rejected as unacceptable and stored in your unconscious. Entire ... read more

2022 Numerology Report

2022 Numerology Report | California Psychics
Numerology and the Year of 6 2022 is a 6 year (2+2+2 = 6), and it promises love, healing, and the restoration of balance from the chaos of the past two years. We need the gentle beauty and loving harmony ... read more
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