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Joyce Customer Testimonials


Testimonials (309)

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December 6, 2023
Joyce is so calming and understanding. I have read with her many times with no regrets. Give her a call. She is amazing!
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Amanda J., Jacksonville
April 8, 2021
Joyce was really sweet and compassionate about the answers I needed. Look forward to reading with her again.
March 3, 2021
Thank you. Some very interesting information that you provided me. I appreciate your time.
Kim, Mount Vernon
September 24, 2020
She really helped me understand myself more and gave me more self esteem.
Lotus N., Airmont
May 20, 2020
Career and work, money, and finances!  A very informative Reading.  Joyce is right on Target.  Very abundant in metaphysical growth.  Thank you for the Great Reading Joyce!
Lotus N., Airmont
May 19, 2020
I am probably twice and a half years older than Joyce, and yet she treats me like a good friend and a Sister!  How enchanting, and how cool she is!  She is my BFF!  She is skilled in stepping into my shoes and speaking from my Point of View!  Thank you, Joyce!  To know you is to love you!  Thank you for the light you always give when I am with you!
Kristy, Tomasville
April 23, 2020
Great Reader, very accurate and will not sugarcoat your reading.
Jaelyn, Plymouth
April 15, 2020
Thank you for my reading! I appreciate how sweet and straightforward you were:)
March 19, 2020
She was great, touched on things so fast. I will be calling again soon.
Tanya, Laurel
March 18, 2020
Thank you Jocyce. Sometimes we have to listen and hear what we may not like or want to hear. I respect that and will adhere to your advice. I am the prize.
March 18, 2020
Joyce, thank you so much for your insight today. I feel so much more inspired. Looking forward to speaking with you again in the future.