Speed Dating Strategies

It doesn't take long to decide if you're romantically interested in someone - according to some sources, it's only a matter of seconds. So it's no surprise that traditional dating is being pushed aside for ... read more

The Jerk at Work

It's a familiar situation. So familiar, in fact, that anyone who has worked for a while has faced it. You work with -- or worse, for -- a jerk. Whether that jerk is the passive-aggressive type who rolls ... read more

Welcoming Wealth to Your Home

Feng Shui, which means wind and water, is all about the mellifluous flow of energy. This ancient art of placement brings balance and harmony to a physical space. Feng represents the wind that carries the ... read more

Womanly Wisdom

In Greek society, Hecate was known as the goddess of the crossroads. She was considered an underworld goddess, guarding the boundary between life and death -- between the world of the living and the world ... read more
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