Your Health by Birth Month

For centuries, scientists have believed that the timing of your birth can have an affect on your physical strength and weak spots when it comes to your health. Now, there’s medical research that may back up this traditional astrological assumption.

Recent medical findings by top notch medical schools around the country (including University of California at Los Angeles, Stanford University, Southwest Missouri State University, Stanley Medical Research Institute) found that certain illnesses and syndromes tend to pop up in specific birth months. Of course, researchers are quick to assure the public that the studies have nothing to do with astrology.

Besides genetics, science has long been aware that cigarettes, drugs and alcohol affect fetal development. But now it looks like certain illnesses, like allergies, the flu and even the common cold – which tend to be seasonal – can also have an effect on the developing child’s future health risks.

In other words, a baby born in March that went through the flu season while in utero, whether the mother was exposed to the flu or caught it while pregnant, could be more vulnerable to certain diseases than a baby born in September. Dr. Marvin J. Bittner, epidemiologist with the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Omaha, explains, “Some infectious diseases have a seasonal variation. The reason for these variations is not entirely understood… “

Plus, the medical research concurs that similar illnesses and syndromes cluster by birth month. These statistical trends may not apply to you at all, but it’s interesting that science is looking at these month-by-month trends. Ongoing studies will determine if these preliminary results are significant… so stay tuned.

Statistics show that people born in the following months are prone to the associated ailments listed below:

Schizophrenia, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and Alzheimer’s disease

Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, bipolar disorder (manic depression) and epilepsy

Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, bipolar disorder (manic depression), narcolepsy, autism, Hodgkin’s disease, multiple sclerosis (MS) and epilepsy

Bipolar disorder (manic depression), leukemia, dyslexia, learning disabilities, Parkinson’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), multiple sclerosis (MS) and epilepsy

Dyslexia, learning disabilities, Parkinson’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) and multiple sclerosis (MS)

Dyslexia, learning disabilities, Parkinson’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), multiple sclerosis (MS), anorexia, diabetes and celiac disease

Dyslexia, learning disabilities, diabetes and celiac disease

Autism, diabetes, celiac disease and Crohn’s disease

Asthma, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Asthma and eczema

Asthma, eczema and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

If you have worries about your health, or a nagging feeling that something isn’t right, see your doctor.

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