Your Daily Focus: June 15-21

Your Daily Focus June 15-21 | California Psychics

Understanding Your Daily Focus

Greetings, gentle readers! What a wonderful Daily Focus we have for you this week! In addition, this week brings the Full Moon, known as the “Strawberry Moon”. On June 17, this luscious orb will rise in the night sky and give you another reason to wander outdoors and behold that beautiful sight. As if that event wasn’t delicious enough, nature ends this week with the Summer Solstice!

The longest day of the year arrives on June 21. More daylight finds us in the Northern Hemisphere on this day than on any other. Ancient religions began noticing the importance of this day before recorded history. Places like Newgrange in Ireland or Stonehenge in England will still play host to ceremonial gatherings this day. All across the Northern Hemisphere, acknowledgements to this auspicious day will be celebrated.

This is the perfect time for you to find ways to connect with that ancient energy. Whether you go to the lake, woods, ocean, or you pause to light a candle in your home, you can find personalized ways to connect with the changing seasons and rejoice in the anticipation of a good harvest, regardless of what that harvest it might be.

June 15

“I will gracefully observe the passing of time and celebrate my life now, as well as in the future.”

Time has a way of slipping by so quickly that it almost seems like the moment never happened. For that reason, it is important to practice being in the “now” of your life. It’s fine to appreciate good memories and to look forward to upcoming moments, but never forget that the greatest present you will ever enjoy is THE present.

June 16

“If I am not happy with my journey, I will not be happy at my destination.”

We’ve all heard the adage that states: “Live like it’s your last day on Earth”. There is something to be said for that way of thinking. After all, one day it WILL be your last day on Earth. Are you doing things that bring joy? Are you grateful for your present life or do you push through each day hoping tomorrow will be better?

It’s a wonderful day to celebrate all that you are and all that you have brought into your life. Have a “life banquet” and eat each moment with joy and appreciation.

June 17

“The Full Moon will remind me that light is always near, even if it changes for a moment.”

Tonight’s Full Moon is a terrific excuse for staring up at the night sky for a while. Lift a toast to the silvered orb and let it remind you that life, like the light of this Strawberry Moon, may ebb and flow, but light will always beat out the darkness.

June 18

“Today, I will learn from the example of the sunflower: no matter how dark times may be, I will find the light and bloom.”

Just as the earth is preparing to receive more light, we can learn from the examples that nature provides. A sunflower is bold, hard to ignore, and always facing the greatest concentration of light. It provides food and shelter to many overlooked creatures, and is remarkably resilient. Sound familiar?

June 19

“Happiness is an inside job. You always have the ability to choose to be happy.”

In a world that seems intent on making things worse than they really are, it’s easy to feel like you are being swept into a place filled with anxiety and unable to rise above it. Happiness is always a choice. It is the content feeling you experience when you realize that your enjoyment of the world around you is entirely in your hands. It is your decision.

June 20

“Positive thoughts create contentment and prosperity. Everything can have a positive impact.”

When you shift your perspective, you will notice that stress eases, life feels better, and you don’t feel the need to spend money chasing the artificial version of contentment. Money cannot buy a peaceful soul. Share the gifts of your spirit. You have so much to offer and you will receive the goodness you send out into the world.

June 21

“Today the world sees the greatest amount of light of the year. I will, too!”

When you feel as though there is no light or goodness in your life, remember this day. The season of Winter gave way to Spring, and now Spring has heated up into Summer. Life is always moving, just like nature itself. Even in your darkest moments your spirit is continuing to seek the light. Trust in the natural flow of things. While you are waiting, look for the hidden lights in your life. There are many moments of quiet, small lights that can join together when acknowledged. Together, they become a beacon to lead you into your brightest destiny!

You have a life purpose. Wondering what you’re meant to do? You won’t know until you get a life path reading with one of our talented life path psychics. A life path psychic can help you find what you love so you can love what you do.

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