This Week in Mantras: May 13 – 19

The Power of Mantras

Welcome to another edition of This Week in Mantras. This week, we’re focusing on individuality, self-love, financial discipline and more. Use these mantras and discover how powerful they can be!

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May 13 (Perseverance): “With perseverance, I create the exceptional life that I know is mine.”

Your angels and guides know you have the free will to call on them when you want, but will answer you only when you call. So, call on your guardian angels and guides to give you assistance when you need it. But stay strong. Believe and know your angels and guides are there with you. With their presence you will find you have the strength and perseverance to face any trial that life tosses your way. “You never get more than you can handle.”

May 14 (Individuality): “I embrace my authentic self. I see individuality as a way to deepen my relationship with others.”

Present yourself as you are; don’t put on a façade to please others. And embrace others as their true authentic selves. Don’t try to shape them to please you. It is impossible to please everyone. So right now, focus on pleasing yourself and only yourself. Yes, it is okay to dance to the beat of your own drum. Don’t worry about other’s opinions of you. Don’t connect your self-worth to their thoughts or words. By valuing yourself, being authentic, and being happy in who you are, you will find that dreams come more readily to you.

May 15 (Self-Love): “By loving myself, I raise my vibration and manifestation becomes easier for me.”

When you become your own best friend and see value in every characteristic that makes you you, the Universe then sends more love your way. So sit down and make a list of things you value in yourself. See them as the gifts you share with family and others in your life. Nothing is too small or insignificant, so put everything you can think of on your list. When you value yourself, you see you are worthy of your dreams and you open up to the Universe and the abundance you are deserving of. If you love yourself wholeheartedly, then you find that loving someone else becomes easier and less complicated.

May 16 (Karmic Completion): “I work to clear my spiritual life and create a harmonious and happy life.”

We all face tough times where there is a great struggle and we feel a lot of emotional pain. Know that you are coming to the end of a karmic cycle or are in the process of learning a great karmic lesson. Once you have cleared this hurdle and learned this lesson, know that you will not have to face this same lesson again. You will have been able to clear a past karmic debt and you will have a much happier and harmonious life going forward. The Universe sends you the happiness you deserve at this time.

May 17 (Domestic Harmon): “I have a happy home and a harmonious life.”

By repeating this mantra, you will find your life becomes more harmonious and happy. Know that whatever trouble you were dealing with, whether it has been with a child, boss, coworkers, partner, ex-partner or your actual house, it is going to be fixed soon. Trust that you have the means to heal the issue or fix the problem at this time. Don’t dwell on the negative, but make a mountain out of the positive energy that is flowing in your direction.

May 18 (Personal Growth): “My circumstances in life improve as I connect to my own higher good.”

Have you ever asked yourself, “Am I getting what I really want from myself in my life?” If not, why not? What is keeping you from your dreams? Look at your limitations at this time, set your intentions and take the steps you need to get past them. Set goals you know you will be able to meet. Every time you surpass a goal, celebrate it and make a big deal out of it. Surround yourself with those who also celebrate your growth. Don’t let anyone, not even yourself, stop you from moving forward in the direction your soul needs to move.

May 19 (Financial Discipline): “I trust the Universe to work with me towards the abundance that I deserve.”

Look at your relationship with money. The Universe surrounds you at all times with ways to attract the financial security you desire. But you must take the appropriate actions to meet the Universe halfway. It is only when you do the leg work to take advantage of opportunities that you will find your financial future growing. You have to develop a good relationship with the money. If you show discipline when it comes to finances, then you will start to see even more money manifest in your life.

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6 thoughts on “This Week in Mantras: May 13 – 19

  1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic -quinn

    Hi Denisha,
    It is so nice to see affirmations for everyday use. This blog is a wonderful gift to the CP Blog readers. Keeping positive and living in the moment really helps to stay balanced.
    Here’s to balancing life and happiness.

  2. Kathy

    I have a question. When they show the mantra’s, tarots and other items, is it referring to just my astrological sign (Aries) or for everyone?

    1. Denisha

      Astrology articles are the only thing that relates directly to your sign. Mantras and Tarot readings are energy vibration content that is good for everyone regardless of their astrological sign.

      Have a blessed day,
      Denisha #6038

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